How do Cutting-Edge Scientists Explain Energy Balancing?


One key initial concept is Einstein’s theory of relativity that established that energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable. As a central theme in Spring Forest Qigong, referring to the law of conservation of energy, Master Lin explains, “Everything is energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but you can transform energy.” This law of conservation of energy is a useful concept in helping us to understand what’s going on when we practice qigong and use it to help us return to improved health.

Quantum Theory

In a related concept, just two years after Einstein published his theory of relativity, which is over 90 years ago, Planck won the Nobel Prize for developing quantum theory. Quantum theory has been used extensively in technology and communication, however; Western medicine has not yet integrated these theories. On the other hand, Eastern medicine and qigong are based on quantum theories. More recently, many scientists have suggested that current scientific theories need an integrated theory that addresses everything, including open puzzles in cosmology, quantum physics, biology and consciousness research.

Integrated Theory of Everything

In Science and the Akashic Field, An Integral Theory of Everything, Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. presented an Integral Theory of Everything that explains these open puzzles and shows that an information field is a fundamental factor in the universe.


Looking at an information field and other related concepts, a well respected scientific journalist and author, Lynne McTaggart, interviewed many cutting-edge scientists. In her book, The Field, the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, her interviews with cutting-edge scientists showed that beneath the level of energy is a field of information — consciousness. The cutting-edge scientists concluded that, at the quantum level, the boundaries between the physical world and world of our thoughts disappear.

Message Energetic Balancing

Looking at this concept that everything is energy and at the smallest level a thought and something that looks solid and tangible are all the same thing, Dr. Masaru Emoto has done some research that captures the imagination. In a number of his books including The Secret Life of Water, he showed words to water and then froze the images to form crystals. For example, when he said, “I will kill you” versus “I love and appreciate you” to identical water samples, the crystals that formed were completely different and reflected the emotions in the words. In our minds, this tangible demonstration that thoughts can influence water reinforces really ‘getting’ how the higher frequency of emotions, thoughts and beliefs show up in our denser, lower vibration, holographic physical bodies.

Powerful Role of Beliefs

In another fascinating and frequently referred to current book, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.’s The Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton shows that cell membranes are actually the cells’ “brain,” functioning like a computer and controlled by physical molecules and invisible forces including outside influences such as thoughts. That is, Dr. Lipton passionately believes that cutting-edge science is proving that our attitudes, values and beliefs control our bodies, minds and lives. He feels that Darwin’s theory that genes control life is debunked. He also suggests that conventional allopathic medicine is unscientific because it is based on outdated Newtonian physics, rather than quantum mechanics.

Zero-Point Age

Harold E. Puthoff, M.D., the Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, comments, “The last century was the atomic age, but this one could well turn out to be the zero-point age.”


In summary, some of today’s cutting-edge scientists are now providing the scientific theories that explain the seemingly “wild” and often difficult for many of us to grasp scientific theories behind energetic balancing. These cutting-edge scientists are actually coming full circle by providing modern-day scientific theories to support what ancient spiritually evolved people have been saying and practicing for so long. Everything at the smallest level is actually energy. Qi is a form of energy and it is real and measurable. We can learn to control and move qi. And, we can learn to balance the qi in our own bodies and in others’ to result in physical, spiritual and mental balance and health.