Home and Land Energy Healings

What Are Home and Land Energy Healings and Why Would I Consider Having this Done?

A Home and Land Energy Healing is a ceremony and process of clearing old, unwanted, negative or stagnant energies from your home and land. You could also think of it like when you have your home “saged” or when you do a deep spring cleaning. Instead, we’re using energy to do this and are going deeper into the land five feet beneath and above your home and land to clear out deeply seated and trapped energies that may have been there for even centuries. For example, what if the people you purchased your home from had some terrible arguments, or something really deeply unkind or dark happened in your home long before you even moved into your home, or let’s even say there was a battle fought long, long ago where your home is located? That’s what a Home and Land Energy Healing works on clearing – removing and releasing all those kinds of negative energies that may be influencing you, without you even being consciously aware of them.

How Does this Home and Land Energy Healing Work?

First you’ll provide me with your home’s physical address and prepare a simple sketch of your land and home (it doesn’t need to be complex, just something that will clarify the area that divine energies will cleanse) and get that to me, either in an email or by regular mail. We’ll confirm a time for the session either by Skype, FaceTime or phone. Then, we’ll have an approximately one-hour remote session, where first we’ll chat just a little bit, then you’ll be with me as I do the work on your home/land and then we’ll close by comparing notes of what we experienced and changes that you may already feel.

How Can This Work Remotely?

For me now, it goes back quite a number of years. Yes, I can recall when the concept of remote energy healing seemed a little “out there.” However, because of my experiences that started with remote energy healings on people, I have just learned to KNOW that energy healing really does work, whether you are physically right next to a person or on a different continent. If you are called, feel free to review the varying comments that we have received from clients over the years, and you’ll get a flavor of some of the different experiences people have reported that reinforce the same thing.

Why and how does this work? Well, that’s a whole different level of question! Not sure I even fully know. Well, I’m “doing” these, so how could I not really know? (lol) Well, as those of you know know me personally know, I don’t take any “credit” for these healings. Somehow I also know that the healings come from divine sources, divine beings. I’m just maybe a connector or an orchestrator, but the magic, if you will, comes from divine sources. So, it is a continuing journey for me too, to fully understand Truths about life, consciousness, other sources of consciousness, divine beings, etc.

The short course of my understanding is this. We’re all energy. Everything is energy. I believe that “I” am a consciousness that is, for the moment, living inside my physical body shell. When I dream, my consciousness leaves my body. If/when I were to die (and I’m still in flux with my thoughts and beliefs about that whole process and potential possibilities of ascension and immortality, but that’s another story!), I believe “I” will live on in other dimensions, just not in my body. I have total belief that my late-husband continues to be very much with me and he helps me a lot from other dimensions, even though he doesn’t live in his physical body at this time.

Health, in my mind, is when there is free-flowing energy. How do you GET free flowing energy? There are lots of things you can do. Emotionally, you release energy by loving yourself and others. Unconditional love is something to strive for. Forgiveness, wow, forgiveness is huge. I totally believe in applicable cases, you can cure yourself of say energy imbalances known as cancer, by forgiving, if that might have been the cause of the cancer you are experiencing. Physically, you can facilitate the free flowing of energy by moving your physical body, by learning to live in harmony with the rhythms of Nature (e.g. look at Ayurveda to get some wonderful tools on how to do that), and you can put nourishing, high vibration food and beverages into your body, etc. You can also work on your energy directly with practices like yoga, qigong or tai chi. Or, you can get help from an energy healer. And, similar principles, in my mind, work when you may be in a community (hence group community healings) and also with your home and the land.

Lastly, like some of the principles of quantum mechanics, these types of principles address some of the things that might seem “out there” to understand, like remote energy healing. Maybe think of prayer. Do you believe that when a group of people fervently pray for say a sick little child that can make a difference? How does the prayer work? Where is the healing energy coming from? And, how does your prayer in one town impact that little child say in another town? Or, even think of your cell phone. There are no wires connecting your cell phone to the person you are talking with. How can you hear that other person across the world so clearly? In summary with regards to this question, think I’ll just close with suggesting, if it calls to you, try it and then you’ll have some more of your own personal “evidence” and you can see what explanations make sense to you to explain how these remote energy healings work.

Schedule An Appointment

To schedule an appointment, please send me an email including a simple sketch of your home and land and your preferred day(s) and times and we’ll firm up a mutually convenient time to connect either on Zoom, Skype or FaceTime or by phone.

Session Costs and Payment

The cost of an approximately one-hour Home and Land Remote Energy Healing is $50.

Home and Land


This work includes aspects that are energetically based and that access higher realms and is not involved in the world of methodical naturalism (science).

While I am not a licensed medical provider, I have been trained in several spiritual and healing modalities. I am an ordained minister with the Order of Melchizedek, a nonreligious service order of people who are here to serve the Earth.

I earned my B.A. in Psychology from Antioch College in 1973. More recently, I have taken a steady and sequential series of courses and certified training programs to support competencies as I am living my soul plan. I was one of the first ten people to earn certification as a Level II Touching the Light and Living Light Symbols multidimensional energy healer, a two-year intensive mentorship. I am a certified Spring Forest Qigong Master Healer, a graduate of the Enlightened Business Academy, an Advanced ThetaHealer™, a certified Agent of Conscious Evolution, and a certified Angel Healer Practitioner™. I completed the Angel News Network’s Life Mastery course and attended the 2015 Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit. I am a Certified Coach from the Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention Core 100 Training and a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach from the Strategic Intervention Boot Camp. I am certified in Wilderness First Aid from Wilderness Emergency Medicine, I completed the Healthy Aging Workshop and Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul with Deepak Chopra, The Healing Path with Anthony William, Shifting from Fear to Love with Gabrielle Bernstein, 21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life with Angela Montano and Chakras Made Easy with Sonia Choquette.

I have experience with holding space for a total of over 1,500 people. This includes close to 1,000 individual healing sessions, 470 healing class attendees, 141 people in community energy healing sessions over the last 11 years and one remote home and land energy healing session. I, Lynn S. Bachrach, and ttlharmony do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about the results of this work.