A New Day

oh, my


it is a new day

a new day

I have a new Teacher

well, maybe she’s not new per se

maybe I’m just stepping up to the plate to realize and recognize

and honor her



I am learning to slow down a bit

maybe yes indeed

another soul in human body my dear friend Sigrira is right

oh yes

she is another Teacher

I really don’t need all those classes that you go to and pay for


it is all right here


that is part of why I am here

with my babies alone on this divine mountaintop

and like the Living Light Language

you know

I think Nature is indeed teaching me through my heart

that’s why I’m crying just a tad inside

just feeling the Love

thank you


for helping me realize

and remember

this adventure this rich path through the forest

to discover

to open


to the richness of connection with God I yearn for

love and blessings to all,

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oh, my

somehow my heart feels wider than the mountains

things that I guess my heart has yearned for are opening up

maybe to others it isn’t that big a thing to grow a garden

but for me, somehow

it’s a VERY big thing

it isn’t just growing a garden

it is learning


stepping into a new place

of listening and trusting Nature

you see

this doesn’t just have to do with this physical garden we will support together

but learning how to live to work to be

in partnership with Nature, in anything

in everything

yes, that is the wonder

and the thrill

the humility also somehow?

and so

almost in a way reminiscent of what I felt the moment after I got married about 28 years ago

I have this feeling

I don’t know where this is going

but I know it is going to be a wonderful adventure

thank you, God

forever grateful

love to all,

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Coning and musings

I just finished a coning

it was the last one of my third month of this fundamental new practice

and I am being told to quickly channel a poem

I have been feeling a bit “off” for the last week or so

started a heavy metal detox and am feeling that it is working and in the process of working freeing toxins that have been stored inside me for longer than I know




a new day is dawning

I am learning, it seems

simple answers

the secrets to health are simpler than we know

as long as we hear the right songs

songs tied into God

we live in this funny age

everything topsy turvey

accepted conventions in most all areas

somehow the opposite of truths

and yes

that is what is going on

I am detoxifying in ways that I didn’t even know were toxic



and spiritually

my heart is leading the way

and God and Nature are gently putting EVERYTHING

yes everything

I need in front of me easily and effortlessly

like poof!

so, I am so grateful

and being primed

and filled and healed

so my heart can expand

with unlimited love, compassion

and an outstretched hand ready to grasp and lead others

to fly untethered

wherever their hearts desire

hang in there

you are more loved than you’ll ever know

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Oh, my

yesterday was the second vortex hiking experience in the Asheville woods

we went up fairly high in the woods

one large rock had a skinny little opening in it

and although I had some trepidation and took off my slightly bulky coat hat and gloves

I followed the others

and shimmied through and up

almost as if, as DeAnne said, we were being birthed through Mother Earth

and quite high up there were large rock boulders with a magnificent waterfall

DeAnne said the water had vibrations that are assisting with the shifting of our DNA to crystallize-based

and, oh, yes!


yes, crystals!

not sure I get this yet completely “right”

but think what it is, is that the crystals are inside the rocks and increasingly they are showing more of themselves on the outside of the rocks

we are learning to feel which crystals are in which rocks

I felt tourmaline and amethyst in one magnificent rock, even though I’m not even sure I know what tourmaline looks like, but that is what spoke to me

there were rocks that took my breath away

oh yes

with deep clay-colored and other greens and browns

when we were up so high, for a moment I did look down and wonder, oh my, so how are we going to get down?

but, down we came

yes, turning to face a large rock once to hold on as I stretched my feet to find a foothold

slipping and sliding a bit but with DeAnne’s lead, also learning Nature always provides us with a handle or a stepping stone

and we had a New Moon ceremony planting seeds with four wishes

something shifted deep inside

so, honoring the mysteries

and just learning through my heart and sorting my understandings a bit too

I walked a little slower than the others down the last part on the path

just being

sharing love joy and the mystery with all,

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In a flash

oh, my!!!!!

remember how when Christopher Columbus sailed to the United States and they say the natives couldn’t see their ships?

well, I just walked out into the woods

and in a flash

I got it!

this is what’s going on!

in the last few days, although I basically “never” get sick and haven’t for more years than I can remember, I have been a little under the weather

did a healing and it has passed through me quickly

but, what has this been about?

at first I was told it was detoxification from the heavy metal cleanse I am going through

and it was that

but also this amazing initiation course

DeAnne, Darlene and I, the trinity, supported by the Shining Ones and Bodhi, are being blessed with

yes, wow!

you see, this soul currently in the divine human known as DeAnne

she lives in other dimensions even though she is also very human

she wrote us a quick stream-of-consciousness email about her thoughts and reactions from our first four hours following the energy in the magical woods in Asheville

and, I was “there” too

but, you see

I didn’t see most of what DeAnne sees and hears (yet! ?)

she sees the crystals emeralds and rubies that are coming up out of the Earth, and she sees beings from other dimensions, and she hears the tones and oh so much more I can’t even (yet!) categorize it all

oh, wow

so, you see

that’s it!

I can’t fully see the ships yet

but she is holding our hands and initiating us

I felt some trepidation before the first trip

oh, I don’t know, wondering if it would be physically too challenging, how I would do in the cold, just stepping into more unknowns

but, now, no, I am just feeling my heart open wide and excited


and grateful

for these initiations that are unfolding

all in divine timing

thank you Mother Earth and God, all divine beings, the Shining Ones, DeAnne, Bodhi and Darlene for everyone coming together in this divine timing

love and blessings to all,

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pushing my comfort limits a tad

joined a soul who spends her time in the woods following the energies there

a magical area hidden beneath some rocks that is a portal to Lemuria


learning how Nature designs rocks and trees to send signals

and harmonic sounds

to the Earth for alignment


feeling like a little child just beginning to be exposed to some of these wonders

and climbing around the forest

some on paths and much just going where the energy called us

learning by observing DeAnne’s ways and mimicking just a few

oh to fly


and why not?

trees magnificent

some hollow to house the faeries in abundance

learning about balance in other ways too

balancing the body as we scampered about

I had some human issues come up for me too

it wasn’t a totally pure day of wonder

but that is all just a piece of this experience

stretching and growing

and facing shadows a tad too

stay tuned

love and blessings,

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This Moment

it is quiet in the mountains

in a beautiful and sacred way


and joy in my heart that when I focus on it I realize I am crying softly inside

a joyful sorrow, if that makes sense


often I wake up and realize I am living the perfect life

oh I know it wouldn’t look that way to many others

no husband, no partner, isolated on a sometimes cold mountaintop

but, for me

I am feeling the name that is bubbling up to be my garden’s name


do you get it?

I think maybe I do?

maybe it’s a little bit like living meditation

there is no cacophonous noice not even a physical vehicle to bring in TV noise

instead just living with the mountains

I read something a few minutes ago about imagining a life you want

and I realize I am living the life I want

it is a story a mystery with unknowns

I don’t know how things are going to be because I am doing so many new things

but all things I have yearned for

I am proud of myself of the things I have accomplished in just a few short months

feel as though I have already reorganized my life in some pretty significant ways

my daily routines including learning some yoga and learning more meditation and time in nature and a pattern of regular walks

and learning to work further with humans in other dimensions with some strongly discernible healing results as I practice on myself

clearing up things I didn’t know I could, within the context of believing perfect health is possible

anything is possible

even making friends and some beautiful people indeed

finding ways to feel I’m more efficient with “getting things done” something that has somehow seemed important to me

and so many projects that take my breath away

the biggest one just stepping into now

my co-creative garden beginning to learn about and beginning to do some planning

improving the comfort beauty and safety of my living space

and aware of additional things waiting in line to be healed and addressed

I know I need to integrate some ways to play a bit more and relax a bit, even though I spend my days doing things that I am passionate about and give me joy

this is what I am getting as to why my love-in-form Charisma still acts up a bit

she is insistently reminding me I still have work to do with play and relaxation

and, although making some progress, yes I am

still need a bit more work on transforming some of my fears

but, overall

the mountains are in my chest

I am so grateful

and stoking up feeding my own embers

with a desire to fully play my role

my honor

to help support humankind

love and blessings to all,

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A Two-Week and Four-Day Miracle


I knew this would happen

and could

but, it really did!!!!!

have a feeling a part of me will wonder if my jaws were ever mis-aligned

but, recently I had noticed my jaws had become increasingly out of alignment


couldn’t bite down straight and have everything line up

so, I took this issue to my MAP team

they are real

and oh so beautiful

and powerful

and, no problem!

now, two weeks and four days later

in a way that I can’t remember ever having so well aligned

even after years of orthodonture

my top and bottom jaws fit together cleanly

I can feel more work is going on

for other issues and this process is still in process

nonetheless, I can say my jaws are now 100% aligned

so, wow, huh?!

for me, this is a continuation of new frontiers opening up

I know anything can be accomplished working co-creatively with nature


and the sunrise is muting a bit as I sit here quietly in the mountains

although we had a teasing of spring, it is cold again

and yes, I have moments of sadness and working on facing and feeling and dissipating all my fears

but, most of the time

I do feel ananda

yes, bliss from my heart

that is the inside-out of God and everything

in my heart

thank you dear God for this opportunity to have this experience we call life

love and blessings to all,
Lynn from the mountains

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I am going to steal another five minutes

this is the first poem where I know there is a theme I want to address



and Nature


and Nature

they have a nice ring, together, no?


I am working with MAP on some dental issues

now, most might think, wow, really?

you are going to work with the Overlighting Deva of Healing and Pan and the Great White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Team and your Higher Self

and just lie quietly without moving

and they are going to fix your dental issues?

like, duh?!

well, I am virtually 100% sure it is working

I was feeling as though my bite was becoming out of alignment

and it is feeling shifted

not 100% back to perfect alignment, but noticeably closer

wow, huh?!

and another issue that isn’t easy for me

mice in my beautiful mountaintop home

but, I talked with the Overlighting Deva of Mice (would that be her name?)

and I am convinced the mice understand this is my house

and I am intending to create a Nature Sanctuary just for them, a place that I and all humans will respect and stay out of

so, just baby steps

but, I do believe that it is true

Nature is powerful beyond belief and humans are powerful beyond belief

but together we are unstoppable and can do anything

getting started with planning and learning to create a co-creative garden

SO excited

so humble

so grateful

with sparkles in my eyes

and love for everything, everybody

and you!

love and blessings always,

Lynn from the mountains

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A New Day

oh, my

it is my moment

my breakfast is cooked, oh so delicious, and waiting for me

but, I am going to steal five moments of quiet so see what comes

it is a rainy day and the clouds and view are misty

but it is just me and my babies up here

along with nature consciousness and manifestations of Nature

oh, my, yes

last night when the babies and I walked outside in the forest

there were two wild turkeys just ahead of us

odd, but I seem to see them sometimes moments before my babies do

and there was something breath-taking and exciting

about both of us being there

in the woods

walking, foraging, just being

and then the babies saw them and caused a bit of a ruckus

but the wild turkeys seemed to just continue doing their thing

not too far from us

and reading the news, in alternative places only

I have to say that I don’t see certain things the way the mainstream does

our children are going to schools, I would think, more scared than we used to be when we had bomb shelter drills

are people so influenced by cockeyed un-truths, that they just aren’t able to see the simplest of truths?

yes, we guard our banks, but we aren’t willing somehow to guard our precious children?

how does this all fit together?

it does

we are moving to new beautiful worlds

where everything will be different

we will all be able to work co-creatively with Nature

and create anything

perfect health, abundance, joy, compassion, kindness

and we’ll be in a phase where things like guns won’t be needed

oh no, just love and kindness compassion and more love

for all

but, in this time of transition, we, in my mind

must open to Nature and unconditional love

while also being practical and holding our ground where needed

be gentle to yourself

these are not simple or easy times

but, in my mind, exciting portals to a miraculous way of living

that will soon be upon us

be gentle, love yourself, and others as if yourself

thank you for being a part of the light

Lynn from the mountains

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A Moment in Time

I haven’t written a poem, I don’t think for a few days

so, let’s check-in and see how things are going

mainly magic, “me thinks”


oh, just back again from walking down the mountain with my babies

we have a few steep climbs

but in-between we perch and breathe in the flowing stream quiet and birds

I have to find out, there is some kind of a conch sound, almost like a French horn that we hear and there are tinkling sounds sometimes too that I’ve checked and really don’t seem to be coming from the babies, faeries perhaps?

but, one thing I know for sure

there is magic



Machaelle Small Wright is teaching me things, paving the way

and I have a knowingness that all I yearn for and desire is opening

almost as if the world is in my heart?

does that make sense?

so if you turn your heart inside out like unfolding a twisted sweater and then just stretch it out wide and let go

the whole world is there

maybe in miniature just waiting to expand

what is possible?

I’m getting the sense that a part of this “riddle” if you will for me has to do with humankind’s essence of ego and Nature’s of balance

when we intend and implement the balance of Nature, can we fly?

can we create, maybe in a different way than when people talk about manifesting

but co-create with Nature most anything?

maybe as long as it is in balance and in the highest and best for all concerned?

and something is also just on the periphery of my ear

and I am sensing this too

we shall see

but, what do you think?

do things fly easily and abundantly when they are 100% pure?

no commercial (hidden) agendas

just pure being

love and contribution

so, I am somehow feeling both very small and very large at the same time

I bid you adieu for the moment

with an excited breath

for flying

take care, be good, loving and courageous

love and hugs from Lynn on the mountain ?

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Last night and until when I woke up this morning

I was a bit off

just somehow allowed myself to feel energies drawn downwards a bit

but, I have sprung back fully it seems

I had thought maybe it was “things” happening in my external life

but, no, I think I have clarity


it is proving, I think!, this theory I am testing out in my life

that when we have true balance in our lives

within our selves and also within our full “external” selves tied into the rhythms and truths in Nature

that is the key

and, at least for today, the theory held for me

I was playing around with my eating schedule

and chose to fast last night rather than honor my Vata nature that should be nourished at night

and lo and behold, once I got food back in my body, balance returned

back from an exhilarating walk with my babies down the road

we’re combining getting exercise with also stopping periodically and watching the bubbling stream

and the trees

and listening to the birds

and the stillness

and yes

oh my

God is everywhere

everything is perfect

and I am so happy

go figure

love fireflies faeries and magic to all,

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Charisma is resting on my left arm and Peanie snuggled behind me

all is right with the world

just finished Machaelle Small Wright’s Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon

vicariously living the experience of what it is like to live in two bodies with one soul in different worlds

and living in that other world, a place she has chosen to be when she dies, for twelve hours every day

and she closes the book with a statement that spoke to me

these things happen with a combination of the mundane and the miraculous

and you must first get the mundane in place

and so I am here

everything mundane is in place

and I can feel the magic all around too




and ready for the unfolding adventures

further fears have been put to bed

I recognize there are physical challenges to choosing to live alone on the mountains

but I have MAP and am connected, as we all can be!

and can, and will, deal with anything and everything that surfaces

feeling the pain in my heart for a young person whom I love dearly who is struggling with something

and now with a deep breath seeing that too all resolved in the highest and best for all concerned, all in divine timing

and, you know

I read something the other day about longevity

studies showing that relationships with others are key to longevity

and although I do live daily alone when considering 3-D humans

I am simultaneously deeply connected to so many loved ones, here and in other dimensions as well

if you are so called, gently gesture even if just ever so slightly, your left index finger up

and you will feel this


love and peace in your heart, from, well, from the angels and faeries and all those looking out for you

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Gaia’s Heartbeat

I know I already wrote one poem today

but, I can’t help it

I am looking out the window

seeing the trees and the sun beginning to move towards the West and lower in the sky

we’re just back from an exhilarating time

oh, my heart is so full

my babies are re-learning, or is it Mama is relearning it’s okay to be a bit of a pack leader?

I can assert is it my Divine Feminine and not just cater to my divine Charisma

and it’s really OK?

silly me

Charisma is more than fine with it

I guess it’s just me who is a little slow on the uptake

but, we’re re-learning how to walk down the road

yes, walk

not stop and eat acorns every step of the way

we do more of that with our other more meandering time in the woods

but I am feeling

yes, actually feeling

the heartbeat of the Earth, Mother Gaia

I have never felt this before

but, it is visceral to me this afternoon

it feels synchronized with my heartbeat

oohhhhhhh, yes

like learning to jump rope?

synchronizing to the rhythms of something grander than I

oh, yes, so much grander

and I kneel onto my knees

and slowly bend at the waist

and bow in supplication

to the grandness of All that Is

love and blessings to all,

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Fly Like an Eagle

just finished my second month’s second coning session

and I need to take a quick break and let a poem flow

at least for the moment, I wonder

how can a person feel so much joy?

I am alone, at least when considering other humans

and on top of a mountain, during a fairly cold winter where there have been at least 22 days when I wasn’t able to go down the mountain

and, trust me, my body prefers warmth

and every four or five hours, we need to bundle up and go outside

and yet I feel this warmth, this fire, this joy, this peace


I have seen colors before, with my inside eye

but, never like what I saw today

the purple blue colors were morphing with shadow figures forming and then going into a portal and dissipating

I know this is something new for me and I am beginning to open to seeing some of the divine beings helping me in my conings

and all these amazing books are coming to me

opening just to what I need

vicariously experiencing living in two bodies in two locations

through Machaelle Small Wright’s Dancing in the Shadow of the Moon

and knowing feeling that my adventure somehow is going to overlap with hers

oh my I have always known how to fly

like a bird

the joy is in my heart

and lifting up into my face with just some bubbly whispers of laughter

so think that’s it for today

other than this

and this is key too

hold your left hand up in the air and point your index finger upwards

and receive this, yes, with a deep in-breath

receive this love

love and blessings to all,

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this “poetry” thing is interesting for me

a seasoned brilliant editor tells me they don’t meet the criteria for being poems

but, wow, they feel so good

like now

I am feeling unsure about how things are going and what’s going on

so, I just sit down

and I know what comes through is at least in part, if not in a major way

from other dimensions

beautiful dimensions

that I am opening to

and so ready for

so, here I am

and I ask, how am I doing?

you are in the groove

things are happening

everything, my love, you have dreamed about

is unfolding

you have opened the doors

and you are putting one foot in front of the other

and your arms are stretched out wide

and you are listening

and further opening your beautiful heart

you are walking into new fields and meadows without end

even the books that are opening for you are exactly what you need to open your understanding of things

and your minor fluttering fears

you are methodically disputing through action in 3-D

and are also being addressed in major ways from other dimensions

are you up to the more demanding lifestyle of living safely and vibrantly alone on the mountains?

oh, yes

is your life going to follow the normal pattern of physical birth and then an ultimately winding down and transitioning out of form or are you indeed going to realize immortality in this body?

oddly, yes, I am still getting that I am to open pathways to show others the way

and yes, I am on a path for immortality, well 10,000 years or so, in an increasingly young and vibrantly healthy and happy physical Lynn body

and you are on the precipice for so many other adventures

intergalactic travel

morphing into other dimensions

clearly hearing communicating from other divine realms and beings

your heart will expand even more

you will help the world heal

yes, you’re doing well, my dear

you are brave and beautiful

and you are in the groove

keep up the great work

we love you more than you will ever know

love and blessings to all,

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Inner Peace

I wasn’t planning on writing a poem today

but I just finished my MAP coning session

and I am being led to sit and see what flows

I feel a Peace that resonates with the mountains I see when I turn my head






I am being filled, so filled

because I am doing what God wants me to do

filled I will further help other souls in human bodies

because I understand despair and pain, I have lived as a regular human

but I am passing into another phase

another state

this is not something to shout to others

but okay to recognize

and be still with

I keep being told that yes, indeed

even though it is counter-intuitive

I am meant to be, and will be, immortal in this human body

why not?

so, I will be a role model and show the way

to other humans so inclined

everything is in divine order

we are all loved more than we can imagine


and so I bow from the waist and drop my arms to the floor

in submission to God

and gratitude

and Love

love and blessings to all,

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A Dream

I have so been yearning for this

in my dream last night

this pink little rabbit almost like stuffed toy dropped from the sky

it was a live being

and wherever I was, I ran to it

and she talked to me

I could hear her words as clearly as I hear anyone talking

oh, yes, I have been yearning for this!

and then there was another being, I don’t recall what that one looked like

but she talked to me too

and I stopped somewhere I often stop to get some food and just hang out

it was a cool place that I quite like and a place I feel comfortable

they were about to close and no one else was there

I think my beloved Mom was somewhere waiting for me but there was no need to rush

and I went into the room I normally do to use the restroom

but then a hand turned the knob from the outside and opened the door

and I said what are you doing?

and he said this room is occupied you need to go downstairs

and so I went down long, long brown stairs

they were wooden and a dark brown

like the Earth

and it was enchanting in a way

and I thought oh I could stay here

and then I came back up

and saw friends and we jumped around like school girls

they talked to me! they talked to me! they talked to me!

and Sigrira said I knew they would and was so happy for me

I am so grateful

love and blessings to all,

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good morning

opening to spirit

to Nature

without a clue to what will come through

oh, it’s a faerie!

my goodness!

I thought it might be something from my shadow side this morning

but, oh, no!

mirth and merriment!

my goodness!

okay, so you want to play?


what is play?


and uncontrollable laughter

the reason you thought it might be something from your shadow side

is just feeling energy from others

others who wonder at your choices that seem foreign to how they choose to live

no worries, my dear

stay true to your own heart

you know your Truth

and we ARE with you

laughing, playing jokes, tickling you

and filling your heart

oh, yes

there are lots of roads to happiness

we know you love people


and that is part of why we love YOU so much!

but, your premise is correct, my dear

oh, yes

you can, and are

living the Truth

that with harmony and balance (and with the bonus of living in Nature)

you can, and are, realizing

inner Harmony, peace

and joy

we love you

and know you are doing what you are meant to do

to help others

stay with your Truth

we love you forever to the moon and back always

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Early Morning Reflection

Good morning

I don’t have anything pressing calling me to express

but, I nonetheless feel as though I want to see what will come through

I have been alone in the mountains with my interspecies babies and Nature

for a month and ten days

how’s it going?

in most ways I am in awe and gratitude

don’t really know how I got here

I am not aware of consciously planning for this

but here I am

I live in the forest

with a “moat” in a way to get here (a magical mountain road with switchbacks)

so it is isolated

why? why does this feel like magic to me? (especially when I think some may think I’m a bit off)

well, because I am not alone!

I am here not only with these divine creatures in little doggie bodies

but with Nature

my journey is just beginning

I am learning that you don’t learn Nature or learn to communicate with Nature

through knowledge from your mind (so that’s a good fit for me, I don’t know many facts!)

but, instead, through your heart

OK, now we’re talking my stuff

we all know that when we spend time in Nature, it seems as though our hearts entrain

and slow down, and we feel better

but I know there is so much more

rabbit holes to tumble down into, not that I even know the fairy tale

but I can feel this

knowing that whole other worlds, dimensions are unfolding

I stand tall and bend my knees with respect

and look forward to getting to know my friends in Nature

so that is the essence of it

having this opportunity to live, to be in the forest, where I also have the comforts of home to nurture and replenish myself in

and here’s feeling that stillness, that quiet, that Peace in my heart

and now feeling you, slowing you down to just this moment

and knowing that you feel this too

and we will grow and learn to fly, together

love and blessings,

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Glory Be

just being led to sit and write just a little

inch by inch

as a dear friend said

you know, you put one foot in front of the other and do something

and you know what?

you learn

even if just baby steps

we were up in the mountains without the ability to go down to civilization

twice now, for 20 days together

and we did it!

somehow, I know it’s just a little thing!

but there is an inner confidence that grows

and the walks somewhat focused on exercise

have begun morphing into Nature walks

my Charisma is teaching me this

sometimes it is silent

so quiet you can hear the quiet

you become the quiet

and then you are visited by birds

whooshing down and making focused circles in the air

wild turkeys so near-by your heart races even if you don’t see them

flying whooshing making crying-type sounds

your heart speeds up with exhilaration

and you wonder

what IS Nature?

I am immersed in learning with Nature

the Overlighting Deva of Healing and the energy called Pan

are working on healings on me

they are real and doing deep work

how does this relate to the Peace you feel when you are just in the Woods?

and when you move your head up towards the Angel of the Sun

and feel her in your heart?

oh, I am just beginning to learn

and harmonize further

with this magnificence

yes, I know you are feeling this too

in YOUR heart


right now

we are connected

love and blessings,

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I bow on my knees

put my head to the Earth

in awe and gratitude

some I am sure question my sanity

choosing to live alone on a mountaintop particularly when snowed in

but, most of the time, and increasingly so

I feel I am being visited by Ananda

learning to live


with Nature

unfettered, most of the time, by cacophanous vibrations from our “modern” world

being of a “Vata”-type constitution

I am learning too that a key to balance for me is living in a structured way

I wonder if I might drive another human crazy

sleep when the sun goes down

wake up naturally well before the sun rises

always eager and fully rested

personal healing sessions with Nature and Ascended Masters

so ultimately my ability to hold space for others is being bolstered

meditation and prayer

yoga during the winter where I am peaceful with the mountains and quiet trees

holding space for me

eating nourishing foods that feel in harmony for me, more so than ever before in my life

studying and doing work that I always find compelling

learning stuff that is better than eating an ice-cream cone to me, far better

taking regular breaks with my interspecies baby daughters and walking through the forest

right outside my door

how could I not be grateful?

feeling the stillness and love from Nature in my heart

and like a pink ball that disperses

sharing that

and since we are all pieces of it all

that is why Nature is always symmetrical, elegant and graceful

if you so choose, you instantaneously receive that peacefulness love and stillness

into your heart

so a smile expands from your heart

love and blessings to all,

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Collaboration and Celebration are Better than Competition


well, we are going from the Piscean Age to an Acquarian Age

what does that mean?

it means we are evolving from a parent/child dynamic to one of teamwork

so, when we shift in our own lives

being a part of All That Is

we are a part of shifting it all

and our energy is lifted

we feel better

we shift from energy from a lower chakra

to a higher one

so we begin to have wings

to fly


like a bird

with our hearts open

and free

and soaring

yes, you know it’s true

try it, you’ll like it

collaboration and celebration are much better than competition

with love and blessings to all,

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A Moment in Time

I don’t know

I have a feeling

in another life maybe I was a monk

even my little doggie babies told my animal intuitive vet

that I should have more time with humans

but, somehow

that isn’t my sense of the Truth for me at the moment

I am feeling so complete


and I feel somehow I want you to touch the tips of my fingers

because, as you know, we ARE all One

and touch the tips of my fingers

and feel this

take this in

everything feels whole and perfect, and balanced

could that be because I am indeed living higher on a mountaintop

without the noise of civilization

I am so blessed to be without things so many consider fundamental

no TV no microwave no artificial noise or toxic food substances

just God

that I am feeling in my Heart

so much so that I am starting to cry

I’m blessed at the moment to be doing exactly what I want to be doing

developing my practice

spending more time with divine dimensions

studying, learning

helping a few others by holding space for healings

I feel like I could live like this forever

however, of course since the only constant in life is change

this will of course shift, all in divine timing

but right now

before I go check my beautiful high vibration food warming up on the stove

please, again if it calls to you,

please accept the tips of my fingers

and for a moment

take just one DEEP breath

and take in the quiet of the lightly dusted with white snow covered mountains

and know that

all is in divine order

and you are loved

so loved

so loved

love and blessings to all,

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I am sitting here

there is a gentle white coating of a new snow on the porch

and gently covering the trees

the temperatures are below freezing so we won’t be going down the mountain today

but although a few momentary ups and downs

I am feeling an inner quiet

almost as if this thing we refer to as time is standing still

everything is just now

this moment

and I just came out of my co-creative medical assistance program coning

with the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, my Medical Assistance Team and my higher self

oh my

this feels like the most important thing going on in my life

I am beyond grateful

little Jarvi, one of my guides who was previously the interspecies baby of one of my dearest friends

came to me

even though when he was here last he had a black body

he had stripes and gentle eyes

and then the stripes cascaded into a blue eye

and as I am getting used to

the team, the divine team

my divine team

from Nature and higher dimensions

worked on my emotions and my total being

this work leaves me quietly grateful

it feels like the work that I was trained to do with multi-dimensional energy healing

but, the key difference I can see so far

is, at least for now, while I feel I am in “training”

I get to receive all these divine balancings

until five months later, I will “graduate” to be able to share these with others in conjunction with the healing work I already do

the wealth available to all of us

anyone can do this

Nature and higher dimensions are just there waiting to work with us

and serve us

and help us heal

all of us

so, in closing,

with breath flowing from the willowy love I just received

please, if it calls to you

accept a taste of this

and leave this poem

somehow, miraculously

feeling healed and content

love and blessings to all,

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My heart

this little creature breaks my heart

I have started a new phase of my life

and most of the time I am excited and happy and content

but there are a few times I have broken down

and this little divine being

my interspecies daughter


always seems to be the one to break me apart

there have been a lot of changes in her life in the last month

the size of our family, freezing weather, where we’re living

and you see

I don’t see her as an adorable little doggie

to me

she is a divine, high vibration soul

so I don’t tend to want to boss her around

because I respect her as an equal and someone very dear to me

so she has been acting up a bit

some of her normal catch-me-if-you-can-and-of-course-you-can’t antics to make me laugh

but also not always waiting for our constitutional walks, even when they are scheduled every four or five hours

and my belief system also includes that any acting out is not unrelated to my issues

so, I am looking inward to my own heart

and working with the Overlighting Deva of Healing and Pan and my divine Medical Assistance team

and I know I have to make some shifts in myself

and that once I do, lo and behold, her behaviors will shift

what I am getting is that no I don’t need to be domineering and bossy

on the other hand, I need to release some little fears I’m working on related to living alone on top of a mountain

and I need to further strengthen a place, somewhere inside, of self confidence

if you are reading this, I would ask that you refrain from giving me standard advice on how to handle and discipline interspecies beings

I am on my own path and need to and want to

find my own way with this

a way that fully honors and celebrates Charisma’s needs and beautiful soul

while being the best that I can be, in all ways always

thank you in advance for your tenderness in listening to this tender piece deep inside of me

love and blessings to all,

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I am sitting down for a poem at a different time than normal

need to leave in just a few moments for an appointment

but I have a few moments

and my heart is a bit a’flutter

so, let’s see what flows through

you know

deep breath


you know

on the outside, I have a feeling that it kind of looks as though everything is falling apart

not that I would know

since I don’t read the newspaper and don’t watch TV or listen to the news

so maybe you’re laughing

but I don’t

on the other hand

more seriously

maybe I’m kidding myself

but i feel the things I need to know come into my consciousness

one way or the other

I prefer to be quiet

and listen to messages


but notwithstanding all the seeming negativity

my reality suggests

this is just the yuck and commotion

before the dawning of beauty


real health


unconditional love for all

and learning to fly freely

wherever we want to go

so I’m reaching out with a hug

that is materializing for you

right now in this moment

just when you need it

love and blessings always,

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The Age of Acquarius

it’s 3:15 am

but don’t ask what time I go to bed

close to when the sun goes down

further adjusting my daily schedule

to feel the rhythm of the Earth

actually feeling the Earth’s rhythms

in the water in my blood



and in Ayurveda

their wisdom shows

that at 2 am Vata (and Vata-Pitta) constitutional types

get into a four-hour period of heightened activity

this has always been my favorite time of the day

just feeling

the quiet

my heart

my love

and connection

with everything



and hope and excitement

for the new world

the age of Acquarius

that we are entering

seeing it

feeling it


in collaborative, supportive, mutually-celebrating, loving relationships

love, peace, joy

and a gentle embrace

to all

love and blessings,

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A little message for you from a Nature Spirit

Oh my heart is soaring

I’m not sure I know exactly why

But, part of it is these poems

Similar to when I get the opportunity to hold space for community healings

There is something deep inside of me

That is nourished


Oh, I am actually crying

I’ve read that one mechanism for healing

Is being creative

These flow through me in about five minutes each

I don’t edit them

And I don’t really know what’s going to come out until I open to them

And although I always pop out of bed eager for the day

I think maybe I shaved off half an hour or so of sleep this morning

Because I wanted to process another poem

Not knowing what it would be about

But just accessing it

And I have a message for you

Yes you!

Only you know who you are

But this is the message

I am a Nature Spirit


A bit mischievous

But yes a Nature Spirit

I am around you

And always with you

Whether you know who I am or not

And you’ll see

It will be like magic

Today something is going to tickle somewhere inside of you

And you are just going to giggle

And you’ll move your head right

And then left

Wondering wow where did that come from

But, it will be me!!!!!

I will be playing with you

And making you giggle

And feel light

And know that you are loved

Deeply loved

By beautiful spirits that you can’t even see

But are as real as the hand you have attached to your arm

So, with a quick, quick kiss on your left cheek

So quick you might mistake it for just a breeze passing by you

But, it’s from me!

Your Nature Spirit friend

Just because I want to connect with you

And hear the beautiful sound of your laughter

Love and light always to all,

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I Can Smell Spring

We have been in the mountains without descending to civilization for ten days

Being in the moment

Embracing this self-enforced time

As a gift

To spend more time with my little babies

As we’re getting adjusted to our new life together

Living in the forest

We just went out for one of our constitutionals

All bundled up as usual

Two layers for each of the babies, and Momma carries the smaller one whenever she asks

And lots of layers for Momma

But, oh my

It was warmer

Now back in I check, and it is just two degrees from no longer being freezing

So, we explored out the back door

Into Pisgah National Forest

The Trees welcomed us

With a stillness in the air

Magic everywhere

Who knows, are there faeries underfoot?

Of that I am sure

Our hearts opened wider

Feeling the gentle power and knowingness, wisdom

All around

And someone is talking to our hearts

Dear Ones, they are saying,

You are just where you are meant to be

We welcome you here

We are honored that you so honor us

And so yearn to become our best friends

We will not disappoint you

You are in for the ride of your life

Promise us

That you will keep and grow goodness and love


In your heart

And help humankind evolve

To realize their

Full, beautiful potential

You are already stepping into this job

This role

We are ready for you

And you are ready for us

Love everyone

And we will take you by the hand

And introduce you

To our world

Love and blessings to all,

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A New Dawn

good morning

when I turn my head ever so slightly

I see the oranges

becoming softer hues

and turing into soft yellows and then subtle green into soft blues

and God is saying good morning


and my heart

is bittersweet

but also elated this morning

I stepped into a new phase yesterday

with help from others, but mainly from my strong inner hearth,

I embraced courage

and spoke my Truth

to someone I dearly love

but where my Truth also has spoken and told me

I am meant to move on

to live alone

if you don’t count high vibration interspecies beings

which I do of course

at least for a while

the world seems to tell us

we’re generally better off when coupled

and I have walked away from being a couple

with an amazing, beautiful man

sounds counterintuitive

but only I have to fully understand my heart

and I need to do this

to be fully who I am

and amongst so many other

there has been an unexpected gift with this

I am feeling a heightened sense

of sweetness



sweetness in the tenderness in sharing with others

so, with gratitude and love

I walk alone

protected and guided

by divine beings

into uncharted, at least for me,


with gentle love and blessings to all,

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A Quiet Evening

It is quiet in the mountains

I have been here alone with my babies on top of the mountain for about a week

The ice is expected to melt from the road by Monday

If so, it will feel like a chest expansion and a form of joy to be able to replenish supplies

But, I have been patient

Living in the moments

I asked for this

I like time to be quiet and do stuff

Create stuff

And I yearn so deeply to hear the Trees and the Devas and the Nature Spirits

More clearly

To learn to work with them

As they are already beginning to teach me

I am their beginning student

Excited and ready

Starry eyed

But time can also move more slowly

Without other humans and activity around

I asked for this

Yes, I asked for this

And, I will hold on to the reins

Wherever they take me

In this unknown journey



Occasionally with some trepidation

But following my heart

Filled with love

For everyone

And everything

I made some changes I felt I needed to make

Even though in some ways they are a bit heart-breaking

But, I do feel I have to listen to my heart

And so it is

Love and blessings to all,

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A New Years’ Day Poem

Good morning
Oh my
The snow has fallen a bit
And there are new flakes coming down
So softly
And there is a quiet and a peacefulness
In the mountains
I am feeling a lone eagle flying above
And he is an emissary
Along with flocks
Of other divine beings
Not of the same species as we are
But divine
Inspiring souls
Souls all a part of the Whole
As we are all shifting
Almost as if the Earth
Mother Earth Gaia
Is tumbling
Into a new orbit
A cleansed one
Shaking off the yuck
For eons where we have increasingly been misdirected
And misaligned
Into a new beautiful time
Where we all
The ones remaining
Will be able to soar
Like the eagle
With omnipresent Love in our hearts for Everyone Everywhere
And oh my
It is a beautiful new day
What we call a New Year
A time of great promise
And new beginnings
Love and blessings to all,

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Dog Training and Life Mastery


My husband and I just got a new little doggie, well I believe she was always meant to be with us at this time, and we were led to bring her into our lives. Inexperienced with living with doggies, I’m reading a neat little book (with gratitude to my sister-in-law) by the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, and beginning to learn a bit about some new stuff with living joyfully with non-humans.

Having this thought/realization this morning that much of what I am learning, it seems, from Cesar (which was theoretically about training dogs) may really have more to do with being about training me. And, it is bringing me to think about this wonderful course that I am just starting right now, Life Mastery, taught by the wonderful Joel D. Anastasi, based on channeled work through Jeff Fasano from the Archangelic Realm of Michael. Joel had me chuckling inside in the first class when he admitted that previously he hadn’t really known anything about setting boundaries. I had chuckled inside because that resonated with me. I am just learning and getting clearer on setting my boundaries too. So, this is all coming together for me. As I am teaching dear little Charisma to follow me as her pack leader and learning a bit about non-verbal sensitivities in introducing puppies to new things, I am training myself (or so it seems, with Charisma as a side benefit) to feel enhanced inner self confidence and walk straighter, I’m getting better with setting boundaries and my insights into sensitivities with all souls may be deepening.

So, just wanted to share that in case it might resonate and be useful to someone else as well.

Love and light always to all,

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Weston, Animals and Telepathy


Have been reading a wonderful book, Waiting For Weston, A Mother’s Story About Raising A Multidimensional Child. Weston is a beautiful multidimensional evolved soul who is now 17 years old and doesn’t speak; however, he is a highly evolved soul with advanced spiritual abilities. He communicates with telepathy, has wonderful healing gifts and talents and is a spiritual master. He has remained adamant throughout the years that the reason he chooses not to use human words is because with telepathy, the truth is always spoken, and with words, sometimes the truth can be distorted. Wow. And, so, I just wanted to share how this insight is connecting some dots for me. This is reminding me of how animals communicate. Like Weston, they too are more evolved than we are spiritually, right?! Why do people love their non-human companions so much? I think it’s because these beautiful spirits communicate telepathically and with love from the heart. And, wonder if they too, like Weston, chose to communicate telepathically, rather than with words, because this is a way to communicate at a higher vibration. And, the last dot, to me anyway, is that this is where so many of us are ultimately evolving to as well, right?! Ultimately, we too will be like the beautiful animals and Weston and our vibration will be higher and we will communicate telepathically and no longer use spoken words.

Love and light to all,

December 25, 2014

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Natural Health and Cancer

Our intention for writing this is to first, get clarity for ourselves on what the issues are; and secondly, to be a reliable voice for others with similar inclinations and an influential voice for those of different inclinations but nonetheless some openness to new ideas. Please note that what we are writing here is a combination of what we know and have learned combined more importantly with divine inspiration from our heart and the best, most truthful answers we get as of today. We will continually update this section to reflect expanded insights.

We believe that a variety of integrative or natural-type approaches for maintaining health and returning to health are currently available that have impressive cancer cure success rates without negative side effects (see below for further details.) We believe that there are some fundamental, spiritually-evolved insights and understandings about how life works that can be added to integrative medicine. That is, rather than just being physical beings, our physical bodies are really holographic, dense energy reflections of energy forms such as beliefs and feelings. Imbalanced energy can express in cancer and other diseases to get our attention.

What Is Health?

Health is our natural equilibrium state of being.

What Is The Purpose Of All Of Us Having A Physical Body Experience Now Here On The Earth?

A lot of forces have coordinated to give us this opportunity to have this physical body, third-dimensional experience. We believe we chose to have this experience, we are indeed courageous souls!, to learn some profound stuff about love. And, somehow it seems as though a key learning method we humans have been using as our “go-to” method is to learn what is by experiencing what is not.

Can You Give Us Some Examples Of How We Learn By Experiencing What Is Not?

Sometimes it seems amazing how much of our world is upside-down and a reflection of exactly the opposite of what we believe is the truth. Much of our society seems to be based on a fundamental belief that each one of us is separate rather than that we are like cells all a part of Mother Earth/Gaia. Our interpersonal relationships as well as our politics, wars and international relations seem to reflect a basic belief that there isn’t enough to go around in any way so we have competition and fighting and live with a sense of scarcity, rather than knowing we are actually all God-like and ultimately as we evolve spiritually, we can all have everything we want. Not sure we fully know about religions per se, however; believe that many/some (?) of the fundamental beliefs in religion suggest a duality and hierarchy, e.g. my way is right and yours wrong, rather than each of us having a deep inner personal knowingness of spirit.

Our current healthcare system is built on some fundamental beliefs that don’t resonate for us. Things like we routinely need artificial substances to add to our bodies to correct things, rather than that each of us humans has a deep inner knowing that when we feel hurts or problems that those are usually communications to us that something in our lives requires adjustment to return to our naturally healthy, happy states. And, that by using artificial substances over time additional imbalances can build. Mainstream medicine seems to be based on a physical/mechanical orientation of how our bodies work. Instead, it is our strong understanding/belief that the physical body is really a holographic, dense energy reflection of other more fundamental, causative aspects. Things like energy and forms of energy like our beliefs and our emotions and maybe other energetic forces from other realms as well. Beyond this, many of today’s spiritual thought leaders and channels from higher vibration dimensions discuss how humans are now in the process of changing our very structure. Barbara Marx Hubbard with conscious evolution and others discuss how our bodies have a carbon-based DNA structure that is evolving to awaken the DNA that some have referred to as “junk DNA” to blossom into becoming crystalline-based beings. So, we are now in an era where many are making available choices to ascend, i.e. to experience a form of existence where humans can blossom into beings of light and love that can experience life as a third-dimensional or a fifth-dimensional being as desired, without any further incarnations or death.

Or looking at things more on a micro-level, think about nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. For example, it seems many people think that the balance between calories and exercise is what is creating Americans’ omnipresent obesity. Maybe this has grown from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, nonetheless this concept does seem to be a part of many of our basic thoughts about health and nutrition. Instead, we believe a key cause is the quality of the nutrients that people are taking into their bodies, all the non-alive, processed stuff with GMOs and unnatural chemicals. And, fats, well that’s a tricky one and an area where we feel there are still strong disagreements. The official dietary guidelines and many other even alternative-type thought leaders still recommend an overall low fat approach. However, we do find David Perlmutter, M.D. and Daniel G. Amen, M.D.’s strong recommendations regarding the importance of incorporating good fats from clean sources for our overall health as well as the health of our brains, as very compelling. And, we have been told to wear sunscreen and that too much sun causes cancer, where it appears that the sunscreen may actually be a factor contributing to cancer and vitamin D from the sun is hugely important to our health and low levels of this can be a significant contributor to health challenges. So, (using nutrition as a metaphor for our whole third-dimensional life experience) it often seems as though so many nutritional recommendations from even sources that appear to be well researched and supposedly reliable aren’t really giving us recommendations that reflect the truth based on our understandings of how life really works.

What Creates Un-Health?

Last night, we believe Archangel Raphael, channeled by the inspiring Phillip Elton Collins of the Angel News Network, said the cause of all diseases starts in the emotional body. And, this overall concept reflects a belief that we have heard for a long time from other authentically committed, spiritual people whom we respect, like Master Lin of Spring Forest Qigong, etc. as well.
So, what does this mean? Does it mean that love trumps all? That is, even if say we eat only toxins and surround ourselves with toxins that just like a person who is surrounded by germs but doesn’t get sick, that pervasive self-, other-directed and divine healing love and light trumps all? Yes, we believe that, and possibly also particularly so if we also combine that with a belief that that is true.

But, let’s “test” this against some things we see happen in our third-dimensional life experience. If this were completely true, why would Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama experience some health challenges? Most likely it seems to us that maybe they took/take some of their deep compassion or possibly related concerns for the world into their own fields? If not, possibly they had/have some beliefs about health that relate to getting sick sometimes or no matter how evolved we are, maybe there are still human issues we need to work on?

And, what about the toxic world that we are experiencing in our third-dimensional experience now, in what Mike Adams, the Health Ranger refers to as, “the Age of Toxicity,” that also seems to be directly related to the huge increase in the prevalence of cancer? Is it the toxic beliefs and emotions that are causing all our imbalances or are some of the physical toxins just directly impacting our physical bodies? On a similar vein, since it appears that so many people are able to cure themselves naturally from cancer by effectively nourishing and detoxifying their bodies, then wouldn’t that possibly imply that the cause was related to the body being toxic? Before answering these questions about toxins directly, let’s consider the respected pioneering psychologist, Larry LeShan, Ph.D.’s extensive experience working closely with many cancer clients, hasn’t he said that unless someone heals their emotions, they won’t get well? And, finally, per Dr. Mercola, even the conventional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 85% of disease is caused by emotions. So, about the toxins, we believe what this is all saying is that even though we are all living in a very toxic external environment, and even though the cleaning the body-type natural approaches have very impressive cure rates, that when you look at which specific people are being cured with that particular natural approach, maybe the ones who couple the fundamental emotional component with physical nourishment and detoxification get the best results.

What does Traditional Chinese Medicine say? Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) teaches that energy blockages are what cause all imbalances in the body. And, Master Lin breaks that down further by saying that there are a variety of causes for energy blockages; including, unbalanced emotions (which Master Lin says is the biggest cause), nutrition, weather and seasons, environment, wrong medication and injury. Further, Master Lin says that most blockages first start at the spiritual level and unless addressed and harmonized, can ultimately then show up on the denser, physical level. What does this mean? Maybe that our spiritual level, e.g. our emotions and beliefs, etc. are key and this helps explain why, for example, one person who experiences an extreme weather change might get sick, whereas another might not. Or, why we get an injury in one specific place in our body rather than another. So, when using a somewhat less literal interpretation of what we believe we heard Archangel Raphael say, i.e. that the cause of all diseases starts at a spiritual level, then what Master Lin of SFQ says seems to resonate with this.

What about multidimensional energy healing? Does what we know from our own personal observations, experiences and teachings from this support Archangel Raphael’s insight that all diseases start in the emotional body? According to a multidimensional energy healing process called Touching the Light, that was developed by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. based on information she downloaded from higher dimensions, the physical body is influenced by a variety of subtle energy bodies, not only the emotional body but other ones as well such as the mental, intuitive, soul bodies, etc. And, we have an experienced-based belief that divine light and love can transmute/heal anything, anything at all, not necessarily every time, but can, within the context of whatever is in that soul’s highest and best interest. So, based on this, in our own mind, we’ll just consider what Archangel Raphael said about the cause of all diseases in a slightly less literal way. Rather than the concept that all diseases start just in the emotional body, maybe we’ll think of it as all diseases start in the emotional, mental or other etheric bodies, i.e. a less dense form of energy than our physical bodies.
Finally, in conclusion, yes, the overall concept of what we believe Archangel Raphael has said does resonate for us as being the truth and it also overall “tests out” in our mind with our observations in this denser, third-dimensional life experience. Said in a slightly less literal way, the cause of all diseases starts with lighter, higher frequency energy forms such as emotions and beliefs. So, absolutely yes, the energy of emotions and beliefs is fundamental and key to our health. And, you know what?! Now that we think of it, Archangel Raphael did mention the energy of beliefs as well.

So, maybe what we remembered in terms of this one statement was taken out of context and this somewhat more inclusive essence of his insights may actually be what he was expressing anyway. In addition, we also believe, as Archangel Raphael and others recommend at other times, that we can help things along a lot by doing things on this denser, third-dimensional, physical body level by integrating whichever healthy natural lifestyle approaches, that may include amongst other things high-vibration foods, to whatever degree calls to us. These approaches can reflect important self love and help us maintain our own health, minimize the risk of getting imbalances in the first place and can also help us naturally return our bodies to health when we get out of balance, when that is in our highest and best interest.

What is Cancer?

Our simplistic understanding of cancer is that misprogrammed cells are routinely created in all of us. Normally, when we have a healthy immune system that isn’t overloaded with e.g. handling toxins, everything is re-balanced and re-harmonized. However, when toxins in the body build up to a level that the immune or other balancing systems aren’t able to return us to balance and harmony, abnormal cancer cells can proliferate. And, it is our understanding that cancer is always a systemic reflection of imbalance in the total body/mind/spirit being that may then materialize in a place(s) in the physical body with energetic vulnerabilities, i.e. that may be associated with specific unresolved issues. In other words, a tumor isn’t the “cause” of the cancer, but a protective body response to encapsulate cancer cell growth that isn’t being balanced otherwise. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D., internationally bestselling author of a number of intriguing books including, “Touching the Light, What Miracles Are Made Of, Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit By Merging with God Consciousness,” teaches multidimensional energy healing processes and insights that are based on downloads she received from higher realms. This includes the understanding that there are specific frequencies of energies associated with the varying body parts. That is, for example, if you might have issues with giving, then your right hand might experience an injury and if you have issues with receiving, then your left hand might experience an injury, etc.

Are There Effective/Dependable/Natural Ways To Shift The Body To Health If Our Body Has Gotten To A Place Where We Are Expressing Cancer Energies?

Yes. Our knowingness and knowledge about this is an unequivocal yes. There are currently, and have been for a long time, multiple natural and complimentary approaches that can be used to allow the body to regain health, and maybe even a higher level of health as compared with before the cancer imbalance shows in our holographic physical bodies, as long as this is something you desire and in your highest and best interest. Based on these understandings of energy and health, you may want to consider whichever approach(es) resonate in your heart as being the best one(s) for you, that also includes ways to help you heal and resolve emotions and beliefs that may no longer be in your highest and best interest.

What Do Some Key Facts and Figures Tell Us About How We’re Doing Overall with Curing Cancer?
There are a lot of facts and figures out there and different ways that data is looked at, and it isn’t always easy to sift through it all to get “apples to apples” comparisons and simple, reliable clarity. Here is our current best effort to simplify some key issues that seem important to us.
Let’s just take a long historical view of how many Americans have died of cancer in the last just over one hundred years or so. In the last 25 years or so, between 1900 and 1990 the number of people in the US who died related to the cancer energy in their bodies increased steadily, from 64/100,000 people to just over 200 people per 100,000. However, since 1990, the number of Americans who are passing over related to the cancer energy in their bodies has been decreasing, from just over 200 per 100,000 to about 185 per 100,000 in 2011.

(This data is from the U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. National Center for Health Statistics.)

So, what does this information tell us? We believe this means first, in this century, we are consistently doing a slightly better job each year of diagnosing and treating cancer, so for some forms of cancers, people are getting diagnosed earlier and living somewhat longer. However, we believe these more recent improvements may be most accurately viewed within the context that the death rates due to cancer are all still significantly higher than they were in the last century.
In conclusion, then, we believe that in the context of just over one hundred years or so, significantly more Americans are dying of cancer. Since 1880, over 100 years ago, when the risk of dying from cancer was fairly negligible, it has grown to become the number one cause of death in the US for all persons 85 and under and the number one cause of death in the world. That is, compared with 100 years ago where the chance of getting cancer has been estimated to have been one in 33, now one out of every two men and one out of every three women in the US have the risk of developing cancer in their lifetime (until we change the causes of these trends!) There are undoubtedly a lot of reasons for this. To us, it is an indication that there is a great opportunity for major changes in how we live and respond to health challenges if/when they arise.

Finally, Are There Some Key Facts and Figures That Can Give Us An Idea of the Relative Effectiveness of Conventional Vs. Natural (“Alternative”) Treatments?

First, what are the overall cure rates for cancer in the US? For whatever reasons, possibly because the cancer cure rates differ so much by the type of cancer, the best data we could find to date isn’t showing just one number, but instead US Cancer Survivors by Site. And, in this official American Cancer Society source, they define Cancer Survivors as people who have been diagnosed with cancer, from the time of diagnosis through the balance of life; however, they also include as Cancer Survivors people who experience one or more serious, late complications of treatment, who die after a late recurrence, develop a second cancer, live with intermittent periods of active disease requiring treatment. So, to us, this means that the statistics below are an optimistic, high-end estimate of the number of people who are actually being cured of cancer, based on this 2012 official data. With this qualification, these numbers are showing a low of a 2% rate of survival for Female Urinary Bladder Cancer to 9% for Male Colon and Rectum, and then Female Breast and Male Prostate of 41 and 43% respectively.

So, we don’t know about you, but these are official numbers (and, at least for us!, it was a challenge to find reliable raw data to give us answers about how things are really going – there’s a lot of “noise” out there) take our breath away. Even with the qualifications of what Cancer Survivors include, these aren’t real promising statistics, especially when seen in light of the concept of first do no harm.

One more thought on these numbers is that, in our mind anyway, these statistics give overall rates for certain sub-classes if you will of people experiencing cancer energies in the US in 2012. To us, that means this isn’t necessarily telling us how effective say chemotherapy treatments are or surgery or radiation or any of the myriad of natural (“alternative”) approaches. They just give us an overall, to us it seems, very important perspective of what we’re dealing with. Other than a few types of cancer, the overall cure rates aren’t looking real exciting.

Is there a way to “tease out” e.g. how effective say chemotherapy is? When considered by itself, it appears that chemotherapy has only been effective in curing about 2-3% of adults who develop cancer. This is based on a variety of sources including a meta-analysis of all the randomized, controlled clinical trials performed in Australia and the US that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival due to the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies, based on data from the Australian cancer registries and the US National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry over a 14-year period, from January 1990 until January 2004, including 72,903 Australian and 154,971 US adults, published in the Australian journal Clinical Oncology and written by three Australian oncologists, entitled, “The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies.”

What is this meta-analysis saying and are there any key limitations to it? We believe that it is saying that when considered as a modality just by itself, at least the specific chemotherapy regimens used that contributed data to this meta-analysis, chemotherapy isn’t very effective. Please note; however, that we do see potential limitations in the conceptual implications of this meta-analysis, including but not limited to the fact that it appears this meta-analysis just evaluates the implications of chemo alone and chemo is often given in conjunction with other modalities. Also, since this meta-analysis reflects data from ten and more years ago, is it still relevant? First, consider John C. Bailar III, M.D., Ph.D.’s and Heather L. Gornik, M.H.S’s “Cancer Undefeated” article published in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 29, 1997, that reflects a 1986 conclusion based on 35 years of efforts and 12 additional years of data and experience and concludes that the “war against cancer” hasn’t been working along with strong recommendations to focus further on prevention. Then, view the meta-analysis within the context of the overall very modest survivor/cure rates reviewed above. With those considerations, yes, we do feel that the meta-analysis gives us some thought-provoking, order-of-magnitude information about one key conventional treatment approach. That being said, we did want to mention that of course mega-group probabilities are different from what is in the highest and best interest of each individual person. There may well be certain types of cancers and situations where some level of chemotherapy and certainly overall help from conventional oncology can be in a person’s highest and best interest.
If you check out our quickly building Nutrition and Natural Cancer Treatments Recommended Books, you’ll see a number of sources that give details about a variety of currently available and effective natural treatments for cancer. The overall often self-evaluated and reported success rates for natural-type approaches that we have reviewed to date appear to be anywhere between 38-60%. Although, based on a variety of reasons, the data sources, database sizes and possibly the type of clinical trial analysis for the natural “alternative” options are generally more limited than the conventional approaches, the overall success rates for natural approaches considered as a group do appear to be significantly higher and without side effects than the conventional approaches.

Why Are These Concepts Not Common Knowledge At This Time?

So, if there are varying natural approaches with impressive cure rates without all the awful side effects, why isn’t this common knowledge and why are we given very different messages and related statistics and data? Powerful organizations may suppress, compromise and/or present facts and figures differently, so that even our medical doctors may not always have clear, complete information available to them. For example, rather than just looking at direct improvement in cure rates, “relative risk” can be assessed. As Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. explains in his review of the meta-analysis, if a treatment can cause a patient’s risk to drop from four to two percent, this can be expressed as a decrease in relative risk of 50 percent, as compared with expressing that this offers a two percent reduction in absolute risk.

Conventional, Natural (“Alternative”) and Integrative Medicine

It is our understanding that there are three key “buckets” if you will of overall approaches to cancer treatment. And, it is our observation that there are very powerful forces involved and often highly charged feelings between people from the conventional and natural (“alternative”) approaches. However, the good news is!, as our world is rapidly evolving and changing, we notice a wonderful shift from both of the two polarized approaches into Integrative Medicine. We notice a building commitment towards respecting, valuing and integrating the best from both “worlds” for whatever is in the highest and best interest of the person.

Exciting Times

We believe that we are in the last 2,000 years of the last 26,000 year cycle before those of us who choose will ascend to become crystalline-based beings who will live forever lives of love, light, happiness, perfect health for everyone, abundance and joy. So, as so many of us know in our hearts, there is a lot of shaking up going on in our world during this time of upheaval, making way for what we believe will be a wonderful new world to emerge. In the interim, during this time of accelerated spiritual awakening, we believe the truths about energy and feelings and beliefs and natural healing will become known and more pervasively honored and practiced.

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Neuroscience Letters Proving ESP

This article was written by the renowned near-death author and thought leader, P.M.H. Atwater.


In Mensa Bulletin, October 2013, article “The New Science,” author Craig Phelon reveals some incredible stuff – that scientific research may be changing perceptions of “supernatural” and “natural.” Forget New Age thinking. Enter mainstream physicists. Einstein and his “spooky actions.” Brian Josephson, a Nobel laureate in physics, admits that work like that of Dean Radin, “shows the evidence in favor of (paranormal) existence is overwhelming.”

There are now demonstrations of a physical link between ESP performance and known functions of the brain – as well as the existence of corresponding brain activity between a psychic and his subject. Research by neuroscientist Michael A. Persinger of Canada’s Laurentian University with Sean Lalsingh Harribance, a Houston-based psychic, is reported to have proven the existence of telepathy – transmission of information from one person to another without using known sensory channels – under laboratory conditions. This is now referred to as the “Harribance Effect.” Earlier tests found anomalies in Harribance’s brain, as well as that of psychic Ingo Swann, further linking ESP performance to the physical world.

Yes, you can say the words: ESP has now been proven. It is physically real and has been established as such during stringent clinical laboratory trials. This and other such findings will be published this year in the online journal, “Neuroscience Letters.”

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Breathtakingly Positive Download


Patricia Cota-Robles of the non-profit New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose was previously a marriage and family counselor for 20 years and she now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from what she refers to as the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Although some of what she portrays of how the world works may be a little of a stretch for some to fully take in, depending on where we are on our own spiritual paths, I nonetheless believe in Patricia and her integrity and the accuracy and purity of the divine downloads that she receives. Maybe some of this sounds different because it is just of a higher frequency and maybe that’s really the way things are.

Anyway, her recent download is breathtakingly positive and inspiring and sounds like things are indeed happening BIG time right now, this year. I know I feel I’m feeling it. So, read it all if it calls to you and here’s to all of us expanding, as Patricia downloads, into this exciting Shift of the Ages.

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Eight Additives From the US That are Banned in Other Countries

I was so happy to see this 8 Additives From The US That Are Banned In Other Countries by the highly respected P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. , Ph.D. (Hon.) Although many alternative health/nutrition thought leaders write about this in their newsletters, to me, it feels important to hear P.M.H. Atwater’s voice in a newsletter on this issue. P.M.H. Atwater is a visionary, leading near-death expert, having experienced three near-death experiences herself as well as having interviewed nearly 4,000 adult and child near-death experiencers as well. She has written ten books on near-death, spirituality, the “new kids” and the transformation of consciousness into an exciting and evolved future of the human race. So, she comes to this issue from a deep knowing about how the poisons in our foods can impact our children (and us) and how cleaning up what we eat can make a huge difference.

I guess like so many other issues of today, we have a mainstream that, in my mind, often provides non-nourishing substances that so many take into their bodies as “food” giving us the counterpoint to awaken to fresh, organic, non-GMO, whole foods that can facilitate genuine nourishment. Isn’t it true that sometimes when we want to learn something, we “put” the opposite experience in our lives to help us learn and realize what we need/want.

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What Does Multidimensional Energy Balancing Have to Do with Marketing?



First, guess for me anyway, both of these “things” are passions of mine, things that in one way or other have probably called me in all through my life.

And, as I am in the process of rolling out my second new business, ttlmarketing (well, actually all-in-all, it’s my fourth business, if you count the two businesses I ran with my husband for 21 years in my “prior” life in the more conventional world, or seven businesses, now that’s an interesting number!, if you count all the varying evolutions of the varying businesses) it’s been interesting to check in recently with what some of the current marketing thought leaders are saying.

Think we all know the world has changed and is continuing to change at it seems at an accelerated pace.

Some of the things that I notice (and remember, for me anyway, when I sometimes feel a little bit like Dustin Hoffman in the Rainman, someone who has never really read the newspaper, much to my Dad’s unhappiness, doesn’t watch TV, doesn’t even like the radio because of the ads that jolt me, so someone who doesn’t really feel she “fits” in this regular third-dimensional world per se, even though I have been able to function in it in my own way for quite some time) are this. It seems to me that “everyone” is hooked into their electronic devices. Even when they’re out at restaurants with friends and family, or really “doing” anything, it seems as though everyone is multitasking. So, it seems to be that there is a lot of disconnect, a lot of time people are spending not really being where they are, and it is my sense that attention spans must be pretty short for many people. And, it also seems to me that there is a lot of “noise” and to me another major contributor to what’s going on is that so much of our humanity at this time seems to be taking in toxic substances rather than nourishing foods. And, obviously there is a lot of turmoil economically, socially, politically and Mother Earth expressing it as well, etc.

So, what does this all have to do with multidimensional energy balancing and marketing?

Well, what happens in a multidimensional energy balancing? In my experience/understanding, the “middle person” the “channel” (if you will) opens to higher vibrations of energy, merges his/her body with the client’s and imbalances can be sensed and depending on what is in the client’s highest and best, imbalances can be balanced. Clients may also learn and adjust so that moving forward they live more in balance and authentically from the heart. And, people can and do move towards improved health. Pretty cool stuff (to me anyway) and although the whole world hasn’t caught up to this yet, in my mind (now here’s a prediction!) I believe at some point, in probably less time than we might imagine, larger and larger portions of the public are going to realize that these types of energy-based balancings are often more profound, powerful while simultaneously usually being quite gentle, than conventional “medicine.”

And, let’s take that all just a step wider. Recently, we have had a number of things not work in our home – there was a leak in the roof and now there is a leak in our plumbing system. Do I feel these are things that are “happening to us” or unrelated? No, just as if there were an energetic imbalance in our bodies that may be e.g. expressed with emotional, physical or spiritual pain, to me, that is letting us know that we have an opportunity to learn/grow in some way so that once that lesson is learned the experience is no longer necessary, right?! And, to me, if some imbalance showed up in our home that reflected an issue that needed to be addressed and re-balanced.

And finally, further, going out even wider, in an analogous way, when our public communication pieces (i.e. previously referred to as “marketing materials”) are authentic and inspired from the heart, then these communication pieces resonate with our unique, important “songs” and call energetically and resonate with other people on compatible paths and energy vibrations. We are all connected, our energies are all related and connected (think Neale Donald Walsh and the Global Oneness Day.) When we are in harmony personally, we experience health and vitality, when we are authentic and share from the heart we attract people with similar vibrations and when we are all in harmony and authentic, then maybe we evolve spiritually into a new form of human and a new harmonic level of community and equality.

Phew! No grandiose thoughts here!

Anyway, that’s not to say that things like Search Engine Optimization, etc. don’t have a place. But just as the unconscious mind is so many times more powerful than the conscious mind, I believe that having your communication pieces authentic from the heart imprints energy on those pieces that then attracts the “highest and best” clients. Another analogy for those of you familiar with the Anastasia books, remember how Anastasia imprinted the words in her book with her energy? I believe that the words and the communication that we share, when our hearts are open and we are authentic, and also by so doing when we maybe let in and are led or even channel energy of higher vibrational energies, communicate to others’ subconscious minds and energies in the universe that are much more powerful than our relatively small conscious minds.

In marketing, all these ads that I am not attracted to, my sense of them is that they seem raucous or of a lower vibration energy that doesn’t attract me. And, in their own ways, it seems as though some big companies are responding to these changes too. The world’s largest sports company, the $21 billion Nike company’s investment in TV and print advertising in the US was down by 40% in the last three years, while its overall marketing budget rose to record highs, now focuses more on sophisticated personal interactive-type online conversations.

So, something’s afoot. As Barbara Marx Hubbard, the inspirational 90+ year old Conscious Evolution thought leader says, chaos always precedes change. So while much of our world appears chaotic and unsettled, we’re changing energetically and therefore the effective ways to communicate/market are shifting too.

And, so, back to the “answer” to the question in this blog. What does multidimensional energy balancing have to do with the “new” spiritually-based marketing?

I think everything.

In my mind, “cutting-edge” marketing people are talking about the Law of Attraction, authenticity and communicating from the heart. The concept of spiritually-based marketing is that with all this information overload, or, where the evolution of our current culture is when we are hovering around a cross road between evolving to a Golden Era of community, harmony and equality and I’m not sure what to call the other cross road but probably something no where near as appealing, that people are now often tuning out the “older” more manipulative-type marketing. And, in the few moments of conscious and unconscious attention/openness, we may be attracted to our highest and best and to others on a similar path, i.e. similar energy frequencies.

Before we evolve to multidimensional travel, bi-location, telepathic communication, access to unlimited knowledge in the Akashic fields, etc. as a new era/race in human development, in my mind, we are using “training wheels” through access to the Internet. With this, companies/people have opportunities to become “successful” in a third-dimensional way (as well as for their highest and best) by approaching “marketing” and their businesses in line with this new Golden Era of community, harmony and equality. And, isn’t the “playing field” becoming more level too, so that “little guys” have opportunities just like companies with lots of resources?

So, it’s kind of like marketing is already advancing and starting to work according to new, more evolved laws of nature for where our world can evolve to. Maybe we are all becoming more and more attuned to the subtleties of vibrational energy.

In summary, then, as Joe Vitale” from The Secret says, “don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go to that because what the world needs is people who have come alive” and this truth is starting to work now. That is because even though the world seems to be in such turmoil and distress (and it is!) maybe this wonderfully further evolved new era of the next stage of humans is already upon us in some ways and some of the laws from that new wonderful world are beginning to be operative. When you vibrate and hear your own true song and communicate your own passions from your heart, then others with compatible vibrations respond and are attracted to you through the Universe/unconscious mind. This is so much more powerful than conventional more manipulative power-type approaches from earlier eras.

So, there you have my thoughts.

With gentle love and light,


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The Exciting Groundswell That’s About To Topple Monsanto was written by Dr. Mercola. I’m not a nutrition expert per se; however, living in a wholesome and natural way to optimize health and longevity has been a long-time hobby of mine and I incorporate what I consistently learn along the way into my own lifestyle. And I often feel quite different from how I see so many living and behind that, what I infer they may believe. And, I definitely do not consider myself political at all, although I read my alternative stuff voraciously all the time, I never watch TV, don’t even like listening to ads on the radio, don’t read the regular newspaper and I have been mainly that way my whole life. And, I’m not always a lot of fun because even eating out usually presents challenges for me because I have more confidence in being able to find food that nourishes my body when I buy it (and some day hope to grow more of my own as well) myself and am able to make sure it is organic, non-GMO, ideally locally grown, etc.

How does all this relate to energy work?
Well, I believe that everything is connected. And, certainly there is energy in the food that we use as the building blocks for our physical bodies.

So, the fact that consumers are sending a message through their buying habits where they are showing they buy more when a food is labeled certified as non-GMO and the large companies are paying attention, that is exciting to me. It is a positive sign of change moving in a good direction for this world that I’m hoping will become more and more of a Golden Era of community, harmony and equality where we all realize that indeed we are One and we evolve spiritually. So, yah.

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Stepping into Your Power, Divine Timing and the Emperor Has No Clothes …

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You know how in The Secret and other books, all these self-help-type experts say how their lives took on speed and things just got great and wonderful for them, once they started to live their life purpose?

Well, one thing about this I always wondered.

Maybe a little bit like an Emperor Has No Clothes kind of a wonder….

And, what I wondered was, oh, OK, you got happy but it seemed as though in the same breath many of them mentioned all these grand homes and materials things. So, I guess I always kind of wondered about all their seeming euphoria, what it was really based on and where did the real wherewithal come from. Were they so happy because they were providing cool self actualization-type support while the rest of us were doing other less cool things that actually provided for their happy lifestyles?

So, I kind of wanted to take a snap-shot of where I stand in my life at the moment and notice and test some things out.

Guess I feel as though I am 100% living my passion. Have switched everything around (with the help of my amazing husband.) Moved where we live. Changed what I do. Learned (and learning!) new stuff all the time.

And, I definitely feel I have stepped into my power, feel the ocean that I always knew was there inside of me blossoming fast.

But, I am at the precipice of helping a lot of people, and at this moment, just getting off the ground and helping just a few. Giving a class that shares my passion and a few energetic balancings a week, trust me, financially at this point nothing to write home about.

However, this is why I wanted to take this snapshot.

I am happy.

I am fulfilled.

My heart is full.

I am living my passion and my dream.

Yes, I know this is all going to expand and I am going to help a lot more people.

But, I did want to notice this moment before all that is there to test and see how my life tests out for what they talked about in The Secret and what Master Lin talks about in Spring Forest Qigong, etc.

So, based on my experience.

Have to say, yes. What they say IS true.

If my experience is applicable, have the courage to do what your heart says. Live your passions. And you will feel fulfilled. The Vianna Stibal (ThetaHealing™) helps us learn how to manifest whatever we want in our lives. So, still working on it, but pretty sure my earlier thinking about the source of wealth was mistaken. There is abundance in the universe. When we live our life purposes, doors do open faster and stuff pours in. Anyway, the purpose of this little note was to take the snapshot to answer, at least from my experience, where the euphoria comes from when you live your life purpose.

Stay tuned….

With light and love,


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Have you Ever Wondered What Controls How Long You Are Going to Live?


I have always believed that I am going to live to 120. But, sometimes I wonder. Do I believe this because my body “knows” this is how long I am going to live or am I going to live this long because I believe this?

Current leading science thought leaders (e.g. Gregg Braden, author of The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits and Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. author of The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles) are saying that what we deeply believe is really what’s controlling how we experience reality.

So, if the cutting-edge scientists are right, hummm, then it means that what I believe is what is controlling how my life goes.

So, then, why when we wish for this and that, don’t all these things happen for us?

Well, the scientists are saying there’s a big difference between wishing for something and believing something.

They say that when you believe something in your heart, with emotions, as being real and true and as something that has already happened, then that energy belief manifests into our reality.

Both of the books mentioned above I thought were terrific and at times I was mesmerized. But, their focus seemed to be on explaining how and why beliefs work. So what do we actually DO to believe something and then have it become “real” in our lives now, especially if what we want hasn’t happened yet in our lives?

In Spring Forest Qigong, Master Lin says that even if you haven’t totally forgiven someone (this is something he did during his personal energetic balancing process) if you’re willing to “pretend” that you’ve forgiven them, it opens those doors and things begin to happen.

So, let’s take an example, then. Let’s say you would prefer your body to be lean and mean and totally flexible and completely healthy without any “dis-eases” or aches and pains. How do you “believe” this (if you don’t really believe this is the actual truth of your body now?) You can practice believing this is true for you now by kind of hypnotizing yourself. Picture yourself exactly the way you want to be in your mind and drop that picture and feeling into your heart and feel how you feel with this as your reality, be grateful for this and live with these thoughts and feelings throughout the day. You could borrow from some of the self actualization processes and print out a photo of yourself exactly the way you want to be and look at this throughout the day and take it into your heart and practice feeling grateful for being this way.

If you meditate, another powerful thing to do is when you are getting deeper in your meditation, drop whatever you want into your heart believing and feeling that this is real NOW, that this is something that has already happened and feel grateful for this wonderful thing. You can imagine, believe, feel as real NOW and be grateful for e.g. a friend who is sick as in perfect health, any circumstances you want in your life and others’ just the way you want them to be, anything.

Gregg Braden shares two stories in his book about beliefs. The first is a story that shows how beliefs can impact physical realities. He travels to a cave that shows the imprint of a spiritually evolved person who believed he could move through physical objects and indeed there is still an imprint of a hand that passed through solid rock in a cave. Another story is also very compelling about how beliefs can impact time. A group of people traveling to see ancient historical sites in a bus had all anticipated the trip for a long period of time and as they were traveling there, a trip that normally took eight hours by bus, everyone was excitedly thinking and talking about the ruins as if they were already there. The drivers all were talking in disbelief as they arrived four hours early just saying it was impossible that they could travel a route that takes eight hours when they maintained the normal speed limit but somehow nonetheless arrived four hours early.

Belief is a form of energy. When we fill out the components of energetic balancing to include other things such as forgiveness, deep love and kindness and the balancing and clearing of energy blockages in the body through qigong and other energetic balancing methods, are there any limits to what energetic balancing can do? I deeply believe that energy balancing facilitates returning to improved health where there are physical, emotional or spiritual imbalances in a person’s life or body and can include such energy imbalances such as of chronic pain, cancer, depression, etc. Are there limits in my mind to what can be returned to perfect health with energetic balancing? Yes. In my mind, although there may be others, one key exception is when there may be a spiritual issue in a person’s life where deep inside there may be a reason that the person may choose a different path at that time.

So, there you have it. Just sharing some thoughts on beliefs and energy balancing.

With light and love from my heart,


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What is Qigong?


Qigong is an ancient Chinese health and enlightenment practice. It involves gentle but powerful physical movements and meditation. In fact, when asked what is the one thing he would recommend doing for your health, Dr. Oz said, “If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do qigong. And, qigong reverses the aging process.”

That’s a pretty big endorsement. How come many people in the US aren’t really that familiar with qigong then?

Well, although qigong is just beginning to become more and more prevalent in the US, it is practiced by over 200 million people worldwide every day and has served the test of time for over 5,000 years. It is a central part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). And, some believe that it is the key to understanding how the Chinese are able to live as long as Americans, while they only spend less than 1% of what we do on healthcare!

Can you help me understand the word itself?

The word “qigong” (“chee-gong”) is constructed from two parts. Qi is the Chinese word for the universal energy that makes up, flows through, animates and informs everything in the universe. In our bodies, it is vital life energy. Gong means to work or to cultivate something, as in cultivating energy in a garden, leading to mastery. In short, then, qigong means to cultivate one’s vitality through practice.

Is this something that you practice yourself or a treatment that you receive?

Both. Since this practice originated in the Eastern traditions, it is both a daily personal practice for your own health and enlightenment, and in addition, it is also used as a treatment.

What do you do when you practice qigong?

The version that we teach and practice, Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) was developed by the 2010 Qigong Master of the Year (awarded at the 12th World Congress on Qigong/TCM in San Francisco, California), Master Chunyi Lin, author of the #1 best seller, Born A Healer. I was born a healer. You were born a healer, too! SFQ is designed to share ancient energetic balancing secrets in a very simple way. The practice of SFQ is very easy to learn and practice. You practice qigong with slow and gentle movements and meditations. We start practicing meditations with guided meditations, so all you have to do is to listen to the instructions and follow along. Over time you go deeper and deeper into your meditations. In introductory classes, many new qigong students are able to begin to feel their qi and some even to see energy. The movements and meditations help build and balance your qi and clear energy blockages inside your body. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that energy blockages are the cause of diseases.

What happens when you have a qigong treatment?

When you have a qigong treatment, you sit or lie down comfortably and the energetic balancing practitioner moves his/her hands over your body without touching you. The energetic balancing practitioner actually works as a channel for high vibration energy from the universe. He/she opens his/her heart and helps to break up energy blockages and provides soothing love and light energy.

The practitioner works as a channel? That sounds a little far out for me to accept.

Yes, it certainly does sound “out there.” But, when you read a lot of the cutting-edge scientists, it is indeed odd the things they’re talking about. Things like quantum mechanics. People like Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Stanford University’s School of Medicine’s renowned cell biologist and the author of The Biology of Belief(see our Media Experts’ Videos section for a riveting short interview with Dr. Lipton) are now actually explaining that our modern-day science really hasn’t caught up with changes in the fundamental principals that science is based on. When you really understand things like Einstein’s theories and quantum mechanics, some of this “wild” stuff about universal energetic balancing, practitioners working as channels (and even each one of us becoming our own healers as well!) begins to make more and more sense. But, if the theories don’t necessarily resonate with what you’ve been taught about how life works or what you believe, scientific studies are starting to catch up with all this. The Mayo Clinic just published an article that substantiates that qigong is an effective treatment for chronic pain, without side effects!

What does it do for you?

Wow. Qigong balances the energy in your body. So, that basically means that most things that are out of balance can be helped by qigong. It helps tremendously with calming you and helping you react differently to stress. For those who may be searching for deeper meaning in life, although qigong has nothing to do with any religion and can be practiced by anyone, as you experience spiritual things, your own inner “knowingness” about spiritual aspects of life can shift. And, then there are all the physical imbalances. You can lose weight with qigong. Your aches and pains can get cleared up. Your blood pressure can be normalized. You can even return to perfect health after experiencing energetic imbalances such as ones called cancer. You may even find that you’ll feel like you’re actually getting younger and stronger (as Dr. Oz says, you reverse the aging process.) You’ll find that your brain gets sharper. And, when you need to, you may find that you can function at 100% with less sleep and when you travel overseas you may find that you don’t get jet lap.

Phew. Those are awfully big “claims!”

Well it sure does sound that way. But, we’re not trying to claim that miracles will necessarily happen to everyone who practices qigong or who has a qigong energetic balancing, because that isn’t the case. Everyone reacts differently and has a different path to returning to health. Why is that? We believe it’s related to some of the deeper issues that each one of us deals with in our lives. In our minds, often-times, our bodies are actually communicating messages to us about things that maybe we really need to pay attention to, for each of us may need for ourselves in our own personal life passages. So, although our symptoms are physical there may be other dimensions involved with our energy imbalances. That is, how we return to improved health can be related to our openness to the changes that we may need in our lives.

How does it work?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) says that the cause of a “dis-ease” is an energy blockage in the body. There are a variety of causes for energy blockages, but most blockages usually start with spiritual issues which can then be experienced as emotions. Emotions. Okay. What does that mean? Well, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t experience our emotions. It just means that if we want a happy, healthy life we can choose to focus more on thinking about and feeling things like compassionate love, kindness and forgiveness. If we’re angry at someone, we can choose to be angry and stay angry, but if we choose to stay that way for a long time, then ultimately our bodies, our own bodies not the bodies of the people we’re mad at, are going to get some kind of a blockage. And, ultimately those blockages will result in some pain or discomfort, some symptom that our qi isn’t flowing smoothly inside. So, what can we do if we have good cause to be angry? We can practice qigong and physically work on breaking up the energy blockages and we can choose to forgive and release those blockages in our bodies.

What does the participant experience?

Everyone experiences something different. In general, though, at least over time, you will feel a great sense of calmness when you practice. You will learn to “go into the emptiness” in your meditations and you may develop abilities with other senses. You may feel subtle energy shifts around inside you and you may possibly see colors or experience other images. Most people feel calmer and many experience an immediate reduction in their pain from just one session.

What are they doing during the treatment?

During an external qigong treatment, you sit or lie down comfortably with your eyes closed. Depending on your personal preferences, you may be listening to some soothing music and you may be led into a meditation by the healer.

Where does this usually take place? A room, like yoga studio? outdoors, like the beach or a park?

Treatments can be given anywhere. Inside, outside, sitting up or lying down.

Should a person be fit or have any special abilities to try it?

Qigong is for all ages and physical conditions. If you are missing any body parts or if it’s uncomfortable to move any body part, you can just do whatever is comfortable for you or you can even do the exercises in your mind. You can do the exercises standing, sitting or lying down, whatever is best for you. So, qigong is good for anyone and everyone.

Who is this treatment best suited for? How does a person know if they can benefit?

That’s an interesting question. This is our answer. We think anyone who is “drawn” to this should definitely try it and see.

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Thoughts on How We Can Achieve Health and Even Enlightenment

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) says that health is the result of the free flowing of your internal vital life energy, your qi. How do you accomplish this?

According to the Ayurvedic system, there are three building blocks for health (and enlightenment.) First, the most fundamental level is spiritual health. Then you have mental and emotional health. And, finally you have physical health.

Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) says that most diseases first start building at the spiritual level. Our spiritual orientation influences our mental and emotional life. Over time, if not cleared, issues that may need our attention are manifested as physical symptoms.

What do we mean by spiritual issues?

This can include things such as living in harmony with your true life purpose.

One of the key messages that the Founder of SFQ shared at the recent 2010 Level 4 Retreat was that, if we want, we can try to accomplish energetic balancing and reach enlightenment the way monks do by spending lifetimes meditating, etc. However, per Master Lin, often-times these huge investments in concentration predominantly on lengthy meditations don’t accomplish their goals and he also pointed out that quite a few monks end up with diabetes and other physical imbalances. That is, meditation is an important practice for health and enlightenment; however, we must also balance our health practices by taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally. Master Lin also shared that in some cases; e.g. with serious imbalances that manifest physically such as sometimes even energetic imbalances called advanced cancer; since the true cause of the “dis-ease” may be spiritual issues that manifest with unresolved emotions buried in the heart, when we go to the spiritual level and choose to think about, feel and live compassionate love, kindness and forgiveness NOW, sometimes we can then experience seemingly miraculous returns to perfect health. That is, in some cases, for attaining both physical health and even enlightenment if we choose, we can expedite the energetic balancing and/or enlightenment process by clearing our imbalances by jumping right to the level where our imbalances started – at the spiritual level.

The Mayo Clinic is publishing articles that confirm that qigong treatments are effective even with chronic pain, without side effects. Anecdotally, many people are able to balance their own energetic imbalances with a practice of qigong even when they have “challenging” imbalances such as imbalances called advanced cancer.

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Spiritual Food

Everything is energy. We are energy beings. So, it makes sense doesn’t it, that as we shift our way of living to focus on thinking and feeling and living with compassionate love, kindness and forgiveness, that we’d shift who we are and begin to vibrate at higher spiritual levels. So, just as we find out there is a relationship between what we chose to eat, lo and behold!, and the physical health of our body, in the same way, again almost ‘like duh!’ when you think about it but maybe not initially so obvious, spiritually there’s the same type of relationship. When we “put in” “eat” good spiritual energy (compassionate love thoughts, feelings and actions, kindness and forgiveness) then our spiritual selves’ health (and frequency) is impacted. And when you’re vibrating at a higher spiritual level, it makes sense that we attract other things at a higher spiritual level. So, as you increase the quality of your “spiritual food” this higher spiritual level experience is going to resonate with a higher spiritual level experience, and you’ll have more joy and happiness in your life.

As Master Lin in Spring Forest Qigong says, you can choose the type of life you want to have. Live with anger and hatred (lower spiritual level energy frequencies) and you are not going to have a very happy life. But, live with compassionate love, kindness and forgiveness (higher spiritual level energy frequencies) and you are going to have a happy life.

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Mystery of the White Lions, Children of the Sun God and Spring Forest Qigong


I recently read a book that touched me and I felt it had something meaningful to say. So, I’d like to share something about this here.

The book is Mystery of the White Lions, Children of the Sun God, by Linda Tucker. Linda was a beautiful model and a thoughtful and intelligent advertising executive who lived I think in London.

The story behind the book starts when she’s on a vacation in Africa. Sitting around a camp-fire, a group hears lions roaring in the distance and decides it would be exciting to see them up close. So, they head out in a Land Rover and somehow once out in the wilderness nearer to the roaring lions, they get stuck in mud. They were apparently far away from any villages and the lions are angry and roaring and coming at them. Even the guide was petrified; they all felt their deaths were imminent.

And then, out of nowhere, a woman, carrying a baby of all things!, quietly walked over the fields towards them. And the lions quieted down and ultimately turned away. No one was hurt.

Linda left Africa and returned to her “conventional” life in London; however, she couldn’t get what happened out of her minds or her dreams. She had to understand what had happened.

For the next ten years, which she takes us through in her book, she goes back to Africa and then also travels to other places around the world to follow up on leads to help her figure out the mysteries of the white lions and evolution. The book is even a little bit of a slow read in a few places, in my mind, being a thoughtful and intelligent person, Linda didn’t make any leaps in judgment and conclusions. Instead, she tracked everything down. That meant that she visited the Pyramids and the Sphinx, met with shamans, went to the place where the white lions first appeared and even went and visited with Siegfried and Roy, who had the largest collection in the world of living white lions.

In the process, in addition to making sense of evolution with a lot of facts and first hand experiences, she also came to know in her soul certain things. She put together “coincidences” such as key monuments and events occurring on exactly the same meridian on our earth. And, over time, she remembered that she had been a lion in a previous life. She evolved so that she could understand what the lions were saying when they roared.

And, this kind of takes me full circle to why I wanted to share this and how this all relates to Spring Forest Qigong.

One of the things she says towards the end of the book is that these are times of great change. She also mentioned that there will be more God-like people on the earth.

Maybe that is all related to what Master Lin has brought to the world with making qigong accessible and easy to learn. And, maybe it helps explain that the world is also somehow ready for more people to grow spiritually and learn effective alternative ways of learning to balance their own and others’ energetic imbalances.

So, that’s what I wanted to share.

With joy and love from my heart,


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Is Qi Real and Measurable?


To us, the answer is clear. Amongst other sources, the book Scientific Qigong Exploration, The Wonders and Mysteries of Qi, by Lu Zuyin, conducted many scientifically controlled experiments on qi. The research concluded that qi exists, is measurable and has properties of matter, energy and information. In addition, the research substantiated that qigong masters can send out qi, without physically touching a person or object, that changes the structure of living and non-living matter, independent of any psychological dimension. If fact, in referring to the research presented in this book, Dr. Qian Xuesen, Ph.D., Chairman of the Chinese National Association of Scientists has said, “These experimental results are a first in the world. They unequivocally demonstrate that without touching subjects the human body can affect them and change their molecular structure and properties…. They are new scientific discoveries and the prelude to a scientific revolution.”

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How do Cutting-Edge Scientists Explain Energy Balancing?


One key initial concept is Einstein’s theory of relativity that established that energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable. As a central theme in Spring Forest Qigong, referring to the law of conservation of energy, Master Lin explains, “Everything is energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but you can transform energy.” This law of conservation of energy is a useful concept in helping us to understand what’s going on when we practice qigong and use it to help us return to improved health.

Quantum Theory

In a related concept, just two years after Einstein published his theory of relativity, which is over 90 years ago, Planck won the Nobel Prize for developing quantum theory. Quantum theory has been used extensively in technology and communication, however; Western medicine has not yet integrated these theories. On the other hand, Eastern medicine and qigong are based on quantum theories. More recently, many scientists have suggested that current scientific theories need an integrated theory that addresses everything, including open puzzles in cosmology, quantum physics, biology and consciousness research.

Integrated Theory of Everything

In Science and the Akashic Field, An Integral Theory of Everything, Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. presented an Integral Theory of Everything that explains these open puzzles and shows that an information field is a fundamental factor in the universe.


Looking at an information field and other related concepts, a well respected scientific journalist and author, Lynne McTaggart, interviewed many cutting-edge scientists. In her book, The Field, the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, her interviews with cutting-edge scientists showed that beneath the level of energy is a field of information — consciousness. The cutting-edge scientists concluded that, at the quantum level, the boundaries between the physical world and world of our thoughts disappear.

Message Energetic Balancing

Looking at this concept that everything is energy and at the smallest level a thought and something that looks solid and tangible are all the same thing, Dr. Masaru Emoto has done some research that captures the imagination. In a number of his books including The Secret Life of Water, he showed words to water and then froze the images to form crystals. For example, when he said, “I will kill you” versus “I love and appreciate you” to identical water samples, the crystals that formed were completely different and reflected the emotions in the words. In our minds, this tangible demonstration that thoughts can influence water reinforces really ‘getting’ how the higher frequency of emotions, thoughts and beliefs show up in our denser, lower vibration, holographic physical bodies.

Powerful Role of Beliefs

In another fascinating and frequently referred to current book, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.’s The Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton shows that cell membranes are actually the cells’ “brain,” functioning like a computer and controlled by physical molecules and invisible forces including outside influences such as thoughts. That is, Dr. Lipton passionately believes that cutting-edge science is proving that our attitudes, values and beliefs control our bodies, minds and lives. He feels that Darwin’s theory that genes control life is debunked. He also suggests that conventional allopathic medicine is unscientific because it is based on outdated Newtonian physics, rather than quantum mechanics.

Zero-Point Age

Harold E. Puthoff, M.D., the Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, comments, “The last century was the atomic age, but this one could well turn out to be the zero-point age.”


In summary, some of today’s cutting-edge scientists are now providing the scientific theories that explain the seemingly “wild” and often difficult for many of us to grasp scientific theories behind energetic balancing. These cutting-edge scientists are actually coming full circle by providing modern-day scientific theories to support what ancient spiritually evolved people have been saying and practicing for so long. Everything at the smallest level is actually energy. Qi is a form of energy and it is real and measurable. We can learn to control and move qi. And, we can learn to balance the qi in our own bodies and in others’ to result in physical, spiritual and mental balance and health.

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Qigong Benefits Survey

What benefits can you anticipate by adding qigong to your life?

On September 8, 2008, we conducted a survey with results from 63 experienced Spring Forest Qigong practitioners in Minneapolis, MN. On the average, they showed a 36% increase in all aspects of their lives, from before practicing qigong to current. The most significant increases were a 40% increase in health, a 38% increase in inner peace and improvement in their stress level, a 33% increase in energy, a 31% increase in spirituality, a 29% increase in their capacity to enjoy life and improvement in the energy in the area where they live, an 18% increase in their relationships with others and a 17% improvement with friends and community. See below for some of their responses about the most important ways that qigong impacted their lives.

“I am completely healed from cancer!”

“Can do self healing myself.”

“Gives me peace of mind about my health problems.”

“Spiritual awareness who I am & how I am connected.”

“Vibrant health and a true spiritual path.”

“Western medicine ignores energy healing, qi works.”

“I have a sense of calmness.”

“Spring Forest Qigong has encouraged my love to shine.”

“Lifted stress, improved aches/pains & spirituality.”

“Health issues have reduced and/or been eliminated.”

“I know I can handle anything, showed me that anything is possible!!!!!”

“No more fibromyalgia!”

“I experience excellent health and enjoy life.”

“Started me on my spiritual path.”

“I am living a healthier lifestyle.”

“It lowered my stress level drastically.”

“Better overall health.”

“Being much more connected body spirit soul.”

“I’m more forgiving of myself and others.”

“Found an avenue to grow as a human being.”

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