Is Qi Real and Measurable?


To us, the answer is clear. Amongst other sources, the book Scientific Qigong Exploration, The Wonders and Mysteries of Qi, by Lu Zuyin, conducted many scientifically controlled experiments on qi. The research concluded that qi exists, is measurable and has properties of matter, energy and information. In addition, the research substantiated that qigong masters can send out qi, without physically touching a person or object, that changes the structure of living and non-living matter, independent of any psychological dimension. If fact, in referring to the research presented in this book, Dr. Qian Xuesen, Ph.D., Chairman of the Chinese National Association of Scientists has said, “These experimental results are a first in the world. They unequivocally demonstrate that without touching subjects the human body can affect them and change their molecular structure and properties…. They are new scientific discoveries and the prelude to a scientific revolution.”