Mystery of the White Lions, Children of the Sun God and Spring Forest Qigong


I recently read a book that touched me and I felt it had something meaningful to say. So, I’d like to share something about this here.

The book is Mystery of the White Lions, Children of the Sun God, by Linda Tucker. Linda was a beautiful model and a thoughtful and intelligent advertising executive who lived I think in London.

The story behind the book starts when she’s on a vacation in Africa. Sitting around a camp-fire, a group hears lions roaring in the distance and decides it would be exciting to see them up close. So, they head out in a Land Rover and somehow once out in the wilderness nearer to the roaring lions, they get stuck in mud. They were apparently far away from any villages and the lions are angry and roaring and coming at them. Even the guide was petrified; they all felt their deaths were imminent.

And then, out of nowhere, a woman, carrying a baby of all things!, quietly walked over the fields towards them. And the lions quieted down and ultimately turned away. No one was hurt.

Linda left Africa and returned to her “conventional” life in London; however, she couldn’t get what happened out of her minds or her dreams. She had to understand what had happened.

For the next ten years, which she takes us through in her book, she goes back to Africa and then also travels to other places around the world to follow up on leads to help her figure out the mysteries of the white lions and evolution. The book is even a little bit of a slow read in a few places, in my mind, being a thoughtful and intelligent person, Linda didn’t make any leaps in judgment and conclusions. Instead, she tracked everything down. That meant that she visited the Pyramids and the Sphinx, met with shamans, went to the place where the white lions first appeared and even went and visited with Siegfried and Roy, who had the largest collection in the world of living white lions.

In the process, in addition to making sense of evolution with a lot of facts and first hand experiences, she also came to know in her soul certain things. She put together “coincidences” such as key monuments and events occurring on exactly the same meridian on our earth. And, over time, she remembered that she had been a lion in a previous life. She evolved so that she could understand what the lions were saying when they roared.

And, this kind of takes me full circle to why I wanted to share this and how this all relates to Spring Forest Qigong.

One of the things she says towards the end of the book is that these are times of great change. She also mentioned that there will be more God-like people on the earth.

Maybe that is all related to what Master Lin has brought to the world with making qigong accessible and easy to learn. And, maybe it helps explain that the world is also somehow ready for more people to grow spiritually and learn effective alternative ways of learning to balance their own and others’ energetic imbalances.

So, that’s what I wanted to share.

With joy and love from my heart,
