What Does Multidimensional Energy Balancing Have to Do with Marketing?



First, guess for me anyway, both of these “things” are passions of mine, things that in one way or other have probably called me in all through my life.

And, as I am in the process of rolling out my second new business, ttlmarketing (well, actually all-in-all, it’s my fourth business, if you count the two businesses I ran with my husband for 21 years in my “prior” life in the more conventional world, or seven businesses, now that’s an interesting number!, if you count all the varying evolutions of the varying businesses) it’s been interesting to check in recently with what some of the current marketing thought leaders are saying.

Think we all know the world has changed and is continuing to change at it seems at an accelerated pace.

Some of the things that I notice (and remember, for me anyway, when I sometimes feel a little bit like Dustin Hoffman in the Rainman, someone who has never really read the newspaper, much to my Dad’s unhappiness, doesn’t watch TV, doesn’t even like the radio because of the ads that jolt me, so someone who doesn’t really feel she “fits” in this regular third-dimensional world per se, even though I have been able to function in it in my own way for quite some time) are this. It seems to me that “everyone” is hooked into their electronic devices. Even when they’re out at restaurants with friends and family, or really “doing” anything, it seems as though everyone is multitasking. So, it seems to be that there is a lot of disconnect, a lot of time people are spending not really being where they are, and it is my sense that attention spans must be pretty short for many people. And, it also seems to me that there is a lot of “noise” and to me another major contributor to what’s going on is that so much of our humanity at this time seems to be taking in toxic substances rather than nourishing foods. And, obviously there is a lot of turmoil economically, socially, politically and Mother Earth expressing it as well, etc.

So, what does this all have to do with multidimensional energy balancing and marketing?

Well, what happens in a multidimensional energy balancing? In my experience/understanding, the “middle person” the “channel” (if you will) opens to higher vibrations of energy, merges his/her body with the client’s and imbalances can be sensed and depending on what is in the client’s highest and best, imbalances can be balanced. Clients may also learn and adjust so that moving forward they live more in balance and authentically from the heart. And, people can and do move towards improved health. Pretty cool stuff (to me anyway) and although the whole world hasn’t caught up to this yet, in my mind (now here’s a prediction!) I believe at some point, in probably less time than we might imagine, larger and larger portions of the public are going to realize that these types of energy-based balancings are often more profound, powerful while simultaneously usually being quite gentle, than conventional “medicine.”

And, let’s take that all just a step wider. Recently, we have had a number of things not work in our home – there was a leak in the roof and now there is a leak in our plumbing system. Do I feel these are things that are “happening to us” or unrelated? No, just as if there were an energetic imbalance in our bodies that may be e.g. expressed with emotional, physical or spiritual pain, to me, that is letting us know that we have an opportunity to learn/grow in some way so that once that lesson is learned the experience is no longer necessary, right?! And, to me, if some imbalance showed up in our home that reflected an issue that needed to be addressed and re-balanced.

And finally, further, going out even wider, in an analogous way, when our public communication pieces (i.e. previously referred to as “marketing materials”) are authentic and inspired from the heart, then these communication pieces resonate with our unique, important “songs” and call energetically and resonate with other people on compatible paths and energy vibrations. We are all connected, our energies are all related and connected (think Neale Donald Walsh and the Global Oneness Day.) When we are in harmony personally, we experience health and vitality, when we are authentic and share from the heart we attract people with similar vibrations and when we are all in harmony and authentic, then maybe we evolve spiritually into a new form of human and a new harmonic level of community and equality.

Phew! No grandiose thoughts here!

Anyway, that’s not to say that things like Search Engine Optimization, etc. don’t have a place. But just as the unconscious mind is so many times more powerful than the conscious mind, I believe that having your communication pieces authentic from the heart imprints energy on those pieces that then attracts the “highest and best” clients. Another analogy for those of you familiar with the Anastasia books, remember how Anastasia imprinted the words in her book with her energy? I believe that the words and the communication that we share, when our hearts are open and we are authentic, and also by so doing when we maybe let in and are led or even channel energy of higher vibrational energies, communicate to others’ subconscious minds and energies in the universe that are much more powerful than our relatively small conscious minds.

In marketing, all these ads that I am not attracted to, my sense of them is that they seem raucous or of a lower vibration energy that doesn’t attract me. And, in their own ways, it seems as though some big companies are responding to these changes too. The world’s largest sports company, the $21 billion Nike company’s investment in TV and print advertising in the US was down by 40% in the last three years, while its overall marketing budget rose to record highs, now focuses more on sophisticated personal interactive-type online conversations.

So, something’s afoot. As Barbara Marx Hubbard, the inspirational 90+ year old Conscious Evolution thought leader says, chaos always precedes change. So while much of our world appears chaotic and unsettled, we’re changing energetically and therefore the effective ways to communicate/market are shifting too.

And, so, back to the “answer” to the question in this blog. What does multidimensional energy balancing have to do with the “new” spiritually-based marketing?

I think everything.

In my mind, “cutting-edge” marketing people are talking about the Law of Attraction, authenticity and communicating from the heart. The concept of spiritually-based marketing is that with all this information overload, or, where the evolution of our current culture is when we are hovering around a cross road between evolving to a Golden Era of community, harmony and equality and I’m not sure what to call the other cross road but probably something no where near as appealing, that people are now often tuning out the “older” more manipulative-type marketing. And, in the few moments of conscious and unconscious attention/openness, we may be attracted to our highest and best and to others on a similar path, i.e. similar energy frequencies.

Before we evolve to multidimensional travel, bi-location, telepathic communication, access to unlimited knowledge in the Akashic fields, etc. as a new era/race in human development, in my mind, we are using “training wheels” through access to the Internet. With this, companies/people have opportunities to become “successful” in a third-dimensional way (as well as for their highest and best) by approaching “marketing” and their businesses in line with this new Golden Era of community, harmony and equality. And, isn’t the “playing field” becoming more level too, so that “little guys” have opportunities just like companies with lots of resources?

So, it’s kind of like marketing is already advancing and starting to work according to new, more evolved laws of nature for where our world can evolve to. Maybe we are all becoming more and more attuned to the subtleties of vibrational energy.

In summary, then, as Joe Vitale” from The Secret says, “don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go to that because what the world needs is people who have come alive” and this truth is starting to work now. That is because even though the world seems to be in such turmoil and distress (and it is!) maybe this wonderfully further evolved new era of the next stage of humans is already upon us in some ways and some of the laws from that new wonderful world are beginning to be operative. When you vibrate and hear your own true song and communicate your own passions from your heart, then others with compatible vibrations respond and are attracted to you through the Universe/unconscious mind. This is so much more powerful than conventional more manipulative power-type approaches from earlier eras.

So, there you have my thoughts.

With gentle love and light,
