Weston, Animals and Telepathy


Have been reading a wonderful book, Waiting For Weston, A Mother’s Story About Raising A Multidimensional Child. Weston is a beautiful multidimensional evolved soul who is now 17 years old and doesn’t speak; however, he is a highly evolved soul with advanced spiritual abilities. He communicates with telepathy, has wonderful healing gifts and talents and is a spiritual master. He has remained adamant throughout the years that the reason he chooses not to use human words is because with telepathy, the truth is always spoken, and with words, sometimes the truth can be distorted. Wow. And, so, I just wanted to share how this insight is connecting some dots for me. This is reminding me of how animals communicate. Like Weston, they too are more evolved than we are spiritually, right?! Why do people love their non-human companions so much? I think it’s because these beautiful spirits communicate telepathically and with love from the heart. And, wonder if they too, like Weston, chose to communicate telepathically, rather than with words, because this is a way to communicate at a higher vibration. And, the last dot, to me anyway, is that this is where so many of us are ultimately evolving to as well, right?! Ultimately, we too will be like the beautiful animals and Weston and our vibration will be higher and we will communicate telepathically and no longer use spoken words.

Love and light to all,

December 25, 2014