Dog Training and Life Mastery


My husband and I just got a new little doggie, well I believe she was always meant to be with us at this time, and we were led to bring her into our lives. Inexperienced with living with doggies, I’m reading a neat little book (with gratitude to my sister-in-law) by the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, and beginning to learn a bit about some new stuff with living joyfully with non-humans.

Having this thought/realization this morning that much of what I am learning, it seems, from Cesar (which was theoretically about training dogs) may really have more to do with being about training me. And, it is bringing me to think about this wonderful course that I am just starting right now, Life Mastery, taught by the wonderful Joel D. Anastasi, based on channeled work through Jeff Fasano from the Archangelic Realm of Michael. Joel had me chuckling inside in the first class when he admitted that previously he hadn’t really known anything about setting boundaries. I had chuckled inside because that resonated with me. I am just learning and getting clearer on setting my boundaries too. So, this is all coming together for me. As I am teaching dear little Charisma to follow me as her pack leader and learning a bit about non-verbal sensitivities in introducing puppies to new things, I am training myself (or so it seems, with Charisma as a side benefit) to feel enhanced inner self confidence and walk straighter, I’m getting better with setting boundaries and my insights into sensitivities with all souls may be deepening.

So, just wanted to share that in case it might resonate and be useful to someone else as well.

Love and light always to all,