A New Years’ Day Poem

Good morning
Oh my
The snow has fallen a bit
And there are new flakes coming down
So softly
And there is a quiet and a peacefulness
In the mountains
I am feeling a lone eagle flying above
And he is an emissary
Along with flocks
Of other divine beings
Not of the same species as we are
But divine
Inspiring souls
Souls all a part of the Whole
As we are all shifting
Almost as if the Earth
Mother Earth Gaia
Is tumbling
Into a new orbit
A cleansed one
Shaking off the yuck
For eons where we have increasingly been misdirected
And misaligned
Into a new beautiful time
Where we all
The ones remaining
Will be able to soar
Like the eagle
With omnipresent Love in our hearts for Everyone Everywhere
And oh my
It is a beautiful new day
What we call a New Year
A time of great promise
And new beginnings
Love and blessings to all,