Early Morning Reflection

Good morning

I don’t have anything pressing calling me to express

but, I nonetheless feel as though I want to see what will come through

I have been alone in the mountains with my interspecies babies and Nature

for a month and ten days

how’s it going?

in most ways I am in awe and gratitude

don’t really know how I got here

I am not aware of consciously planning for this

but here I am

I live in the forest

with a “moat” in a way to get here (a magical mountain road with switchbacks)

so it is isolated

why? why does this feel like magic to me? (especially when I think some may think I’m a bit off)

well, because I am not alone!

I am here not only with these divine creatures in little doggie bodies

but with Nature

my journey is just beginning

I am learning that you don’t learn Nature or learn to communicate with Nature

through knowledge from your mind (so that’s a good fit for me, I don’t know many facts!)

but, instead, through your heart

OK, now we’re talking my stuff

we all know that when we spend time in Nature, it seems as though our hearts entrain

and slow down, and we feel better

but I know there is so much more

rabbit holes to tumble down into, not that I even know the fairy tale

but I can feel this

knowing that whole other worlds, dimensions are unfolding

I stand tall and bend my knees with respect

and look forward to getting to know my friends in Nature

so that is the essence of it

having this opportunity to live, to be in the forest, where I also have the comforts of home to nurture and replenish myself in

and here’s feeling that stillness, that quiet, that Peace in my heart

and now feeling you, slowing you down to just this moment

and knowing that you feel this too

and we will grow and learn to fly, together

love and blessings,