
Charisma is resting on my left arm and Peanie snuggled behind me

all is right with the world

just finished Machaelle Small Wright’s Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon

vicariously living the experience of what it is like to live in two bodies with one soul in different worlds

and living in that other world, a place she has chosen to be when she dies, for twelve hours every day

and she closes the book with a statement that spoke to me

these things happen with a combination of the mundane and the miraculous

and you must first get the mundane in place

and so I am here

everything mundane is in place

and I can feel the magic all around too




and ready for the unfolding adventures

further fears have been put to bed

I recognize there are physical challenges to choosing to live alone on the mountains

but I have MAP and am connected, as we all can be!

and can, and will, deal with anything and everything that surfaces

feeling the pain in my heart for a young person whom I love dearly who is struggling with something

and now with a deep breath seeing that too all resolved in the highest and best for all concerned, all in divine timing

and, you know

I read something the other day about longevity

studies showing that relationships with others are key to longevity

and although I do live daily alone when considering 3-D humans

I am simultaneously deeply connected to so many loved ones, here and in other dimensions as well

if you are so called, gently gesture even if just ever so slightly, your left index finger up

and you will feel this


love and peace in your heart, from, well, from the angels and faeries and all those looking out for you