
I am going to steal another five minutes

this is the first poem where I know there is a theme I want to address



and Nature


and Nature

they have a nice ring, together, no?


I am working with MAP on some dental issues

now, most might think, wow, really?

you are going to work with the Overlighting Deva of Healing and Pan and the Great White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Team and your Higher Self

and just lie quietly without moving

and they are going to fix your dental issues?

like, duh?!

well, I am virtually 100% sure it is working

I was feeling as though my bite was becoming out of alignment

and it is feeling shifted

not 100% back to perfect alignment, but noticeably closer

wow, huh?!

and another issue that isn’t easy for me

mice in my beautiful mountaintop home

but, I talked with the Overlighting Deva of Mice (would that be her name?)

and I am convinced the mice understand this is my house

and I am intending to create a Nature Sanctuary just for them, a place that I and all humans will respect and stay out of

so, just baby steps

but, I do believe that it is true

Nature is powerful beyond belief and humans are powerful beyond belief

but together we are unstoppable and can do anything

getting started with planning and learning to create a co-creative garden

SO excited

so humble

so grateful

with sparkles in my eyes

and love for everything, everybody

and you!

love and blessings always,

Lynn from the mountains