Oh, my

yesterday was the second vortex hiking experience in the Asheville woods

we went up fairly high in the woods

one large rock had a skinny little opening in it

and although I had some trepidation and took off my slightly bulky coat hat and gloves

I followed the others

and shimmied through and up

almost as if, as DeAnne said, we were being birthed through Mother Earth

and quite high up there were large rock boulders with a magnificent waterfall

DeAnne said the water had vibrations that are assisting with the shifting of our DNA to crystallize-based

and, oh, yes!


yes, crystals!

not sure I get this yet completely “right”

but think what it is, is that the crystals are inside the rocks and increasingly they are showing more of themselves on the outside of the rocks

we are learning to feel which crystals are in which rocks

I felt tourmaline and amethyst in one magnificent rock, even though I’m not even sure I know what tourmaline looks like, but that is what spoke to me

there were rocks that took my breath away

oh yes

with deep clay-colored and other greens and browns

when we were up so high, for a moment I did look down and wonder, oh my, so how are we going to get down?

but, down we came

yes, turning to face a large rock once to hold on as I stretched my feet to find a foothold

slipping and sliding a bit but with DeAnne’s lead, also learning Nature always provides us with a handle or a stepping stone

and we had a New Moon ceremony planting seeds with four wishes

something shifted deep inside

so, honoring the mysteries

and just learning through my heart and sorting my understandings a bit too

I walked a little slower than the others down the last part on the path

just being

sharing love joy and the mystery with all,