Coning and musings

I just finished a coning

it was the last one of my third month of this fundamental new practice

and I am being told to quickly channel a poem

I have been feeling a bit “off” for the last week or so

started a heavy metal detox and am feeling that it is working and in the process of working freeing toxins that have been stored inside me for longer than I know




a new day is dawning

I am learning, it seems

simple answers

the secrets to health are simpler than we know

as long as we hear the right songs

songs tied into God

we live in this funny age

everything topsy turvey

accepted conventions in most all areas

somehow the opposite of truths

and yes

that is what is going on

I am detoxifying in ways that I didn’t even know were toxic



and spiritually

my heart is leading the way

and God and Nature are gently putting EVERYTHING

yes everything

I need in front of me easily and effortlessly

like poof!

so, I am so grateful

and being primed

and filled and healed

so my heart can expand

with unlimited love, compassion

and an outstretched hand ready to grasp and lead others

to fly untethered

wherever their hearts desire

hang in there

you are more loved than you’ll ever know